213,440 Mods
After The Ender
10 DownloadsThis is a project made for give to player the possibilty to continue the game after the Ender Dragon | That add equipement, ores, plants...
New Dimensions Mod
9 DownloadsA liddle Mod where added a new Dimension names Underworld!
Block Physics (Fabric)
9 DownloadsBlock Physics for Fabric
9 Downloadsa mod that includes new ores, tools, armors, materials, utility blocks, and more!
The Eternnal Winter
9 DownloadsAdds ice themed dimension
Fantasy Beasts fantasia edition
9 DownloadsFantasy/medieval/fairytale like inspired mod
Amogus Invasion
9 DownloadsThis mod is just a little one I made, it adds "Among Us" inspired enemies into the game!
just some stuff
9 Downloadsarmors , dimensions , guns , blocks , mobs and a lot more !
9 DownloadsBring complete reality into Minecraft!
Untitled Dimension Mod
9 DownloadsSmall mod that adds dimension and contents in it
Condensed Ores [FABRIC]
9 DownloadsCondensed versions of ores that drop more resources!
Chronicles of Antiquity
9 DownloadsCoA-Will introduce the ancient tombs of the Nords into the game.
9 DownloadsMakes your worlds even more beautiful
9 DownloadsA simple mod adding a fun entity ig
9 DownloadsAdds new hostile mobs of varying difficulty
Logan's Swamp Update
9 DownloadsChanges the Swamps to look Better. also adds lore (my friends request)
The Altics
9 DownloadsA mysterious and cold dimension filled with many different biomes and places to explore!
Fabric Biomes Api [Reforged]
9 DownloadsForge Port of Fabric Biome Api
Create: Well Structured
9 DownloadsCreate: WS adds a few new structures to the game that use the blocks provided by Create.
Emerald Drop
9 DownloadsA simple Minecraft Forge mod that allows hostile mobs to drop emeralds upon being slain by a player.