213,425 Mods
Mylah Lands
7 DownloadsMod for 1.12.2 add biomes and dimension with new blocks and mobs
7 DownloadsBleach Mod for Minecraft
Diamond Portal
7 DownloadsDiamond_Portal,Leganderyportal,Armor,Tools
Elemental Biomes
7 DownloadsThis mod adds in new harsh biomes loosely based off the basic elements.
Ores O' Plenty
7 Downloadsthis adds some ores and 1 biome and 1 dimentions
7 DownloadsAdds more dog races into the game.
rifted realms
7 Downloadsa new world awaits you
Crafter biodiversity
7 DownloadsThis mod will make your world beautiful
Tydium Mod
7 DownloadsA mod for TydiumCraft Season 2 Modpack
More Ores Mod by cixx
7 DownloadsA mod that adds multiple new ores to minecraft complete with their own tools, weapons and armour sets!
Lucky Rivers
7 DownloadsFind GOLD in Rivers
7 DownloadsWith this mod, the desert will cease to be empty, now many cacti, mobs and even a new boss will be generated there
7 DownloadsWant a Vanilla-like experience? SEARCH SOMEWHERE ELSE!
Slime Rancher Mod! (For Bee Update)
7 DownloadsAdds Slimes From Slime Rancher, That's basically it. (I have lost the files for the mod so I can't update this anymore, but I am working on a remastered version)
Cave UpdateMod
7 DownloadsThis mod add all fetures in 1.17 at 1.16 in Fabric
7 DownloadsMinecraft Mod for Forge 1.16 that adds Axolotlings, and more.
Bob Cros Universe
7 DownloadsRandomness
7 DownloadsAdds customized game events for my modpack recursive
Glutex Mod
7 DownloadsMod that adds new mobs
Darwin IV
7 DownloadsExplore an alien planet full of life and more...