213,442 Mods
Uncraft Project
5 DownloadsUpcoming Minecraft mod adds new content, UI tweaks, underwater crown.
5 Downloadsnew dimension,item,block,Mobs
Legends of Elementia: Haemotempestia
5 DownloadsA dark mod about Magic, Blood, and Finding light in the darkness
Sp_Mobs Faction
5 DownloadsAdd factions for mobs
Odd Additions
4 DownloadsAdds stuff
Bunch O' Biome's
4 DownloadsAdd a wide range of Biome's to Minecraft!
Ore Dimensions X
4 DownloadsThis mod adds dimensions for each ore to the game.
4 DownloadsAdds a few new elements to the game
Epic Ores Mod
4 DownloadsThis mod adds 3 ores along with new tools!
creatures of the past
4 Downloadsrevive the dinosaurs
Cooking and Farming - Forge
4 DownloadsExperimental mod that adds in a new way of cooking food!
The Mirrorlands
4 DownloadsCool dimensional stuff!
4 DownloadsPort of Artifice (https://github.com/AKA-Syenite/Artifice) to Fabric 1.16. <3
H5 Titanium Ore
4 DownloadsA Mod That adds a Titanium Ore to the game
Nersenet Mobs
4 Downloadsit is about Maieyr Benstoneogh and Paein Skoske
LilPat's Quarantine Zone Mod
4 DownloadsA mod that adds a lot of new content!!! :D
MineDogs and Cats
4 Downloadsa mod that adds some more variety with pets
Mike's Mod
4 DownloadsAdds many things, like bluestone (blue redstone), the redlands, flesh, astronomia disk, ext...
Ruby Mod Because valhI1 Didn't Do It
4 DownloadsThis mod adds a Ruby tool set into the game.
Chocolate dimension
4 DownloadsThis mod was made for the winter modding competition hosted by turtywurty