- 1
None of the tree commands work like they're supposed to.
#1532 opened by ggilost - 0
min and max function for the generate command dont work correctly
#1531 opened by Hugo5000 - 1
1.12.2 //setbiome doesn't work
#1530 opened by Jacubus2345678923456781234678912345 - 1
Measure Distance using Wordedit?
#1529 opened by thatoneXman - 2
Biome masks do not account for edge blending
#1527 opened by zachman42 - 1
new brush: splatter
#1524 opened by o7-hmoe - 1
All collumns biome change option (ex: //setbiome swamp -all
#1523 opened by MaybeJulien - 0
Wrong max point for getEntities(Region)
#1522 opened by octylFractal - 0
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
#1521 opened by zachman42 - 5
"-e" does not work in 1.16.2 Fabric
#1520 opened by SolidBlock-cn - 4
requireTag() should mention what tag was actually encountered
#1519 opened by skairunner - 2
Language Broken Issue
#1517 opened by d0nghan - 0
//snow goes through slabs
#1516 opened by zachman42 - 2
Can't running after used server reload command
#1515 opened by rsp4jack - 2
//setbiome does not set entire selection
#1512 opened by TeddMC - 3
use world edit on unmodded using setblock fill and clone
#1510 opened by dallytaur - 0
Snapshots use region files from DIM folders for overworld
#1509 opened by Sieuno - 5
DisallowedBlocks in config.yml (Bukkit) not working
#1505 opened by bitrot-alpha - 0
AsyncCommandBuilder drops Throwable/Errors
#1502 opened by octylFractal - 3
Make a selection based on type of block, especially for setbiome/biome brush
#1501 opened by AileyJames - 0
Worldedit should have a warning system
#1500 opened by anhminh01997 - 1
//regen compatibility with EpicWorldGenerator
#1498 opened by RazzerDE - 5
/regen crashes the server in 1.16.2
#1496 opened by Blueeyestar - 0
Schematic gets cropped
#1495 opened by x3NuzzlesUwU - 0
WorldEdit can't find snapshots of world with custom dimensions
#1494 opened by NikitaCartes - 3
Left click "jump to" with compass is not working
#1490 opened by Fixer-007 - 8
[MC1.16.2] WorldEdit Version
#1488 opened by Robertpuggle - 0
Create the schematic folder on startup
#1485 opened by octylFractal - 2
Worldedit bukkit v7.2.0 b2 //regen server crash
#1484 opened by Cwoodyard - 1
Use packaged translations rather than building latest crowdin
#1483 opened by octylFractal - 1
Cannot remove liquid when use_inventory is enabled
#1478 opened by Ink-33 - 2
Piston are in the wrong orientation and deleting blocks
#1477 opened by Wawwior - 0
//schematic list breaks when using ../../ to store schematic files
#1475 opened by MrStefanW - 1
[Forge] Gamemode changes are not reflected in permissions while in-game
#1474 opened by octylFractal - 2
Add the ability to download schematics from a remote server.
#1473 opened by dispherical - 1
Translating a clipboard doesn't copy the BlockData correctly
#1472 opened by AsyncVoid - 2
inverse for //smooth? smoothing the wrong way
#1470 opened by Charcoal87 - 1
//outset or //expand throws exception
#1468 opened by iperrealistico - 1
'cuboid' selection outline/visualisation
#1467 opened by ggMatze - 0
/snow freezes running water
#1466 opened by zachman42 - 1
Set Biome Issue Continues
#1464 opened by NYBluff - 1
//setbiome changes random blocks
#1463 opened by LordTelchar - 1
Wall mounted torches cannot be replaced when using inventory
#1458 opened by retep998 - 2
New flag suggestion
#1457 opened by zasnaz - 2
query, queryRel and queryAbs not working with //g
#1456 opened by Memz-idk - 3
WorldEdit can be used on a region without access
#1455 opened by kptas - 1
Dispensers face the wrong way after pasting - Sponge
#1454 opened by Pulverizer - 1
Could not pass event PlayerMoveEvent to FastAsyncWorldEdit
#1452 opened by Darkethereal - 4
Empty strings for most translatable components in command feedback
#1451 opened by Pieter12345 - 4
//undo with use-inventory returns one item of all materials used when all materials should be consumed.
#1450 opened by chduckie