![WorldEdit CUI (Fabric)](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/293/464/256/256/637329415442796403.png)
- 7
Crash on joining in world/server
#50 opened by lynrayy - 1
Why is there not a file for 1.17 because I downloaded worldedit for 1.17
#51 opened by DrakeIsCool21 - 0
Why did my issue get closed with no answer? Why isnt there a file for 1.17 even tho I have worldedit for 1.17?
#52 opened by DrakeIsCool21 - 1
#102 opened by Avakining - 3
1.20.1 Fabric worldedit CUI
#105 opened by KDFireHero - 1
1.18.2 release
#106 opened by C0dex73 - 5
1.18 Dev build crashing
#55 opened by TomLewis - 8
Changing to GPLv3
#56 opened by octylFractal - 2
WorldEdit selection virualiser doesn't visible
#57 opened by lackooka - 2
1.18.x release
#58 opened by H4ckerxx44 - 1
Looking along an axis a selection extends largely on renders incorrectly
#59 opened by emilyy-dev - 0
Chunk Border displays through blocks
#60 opened by kencinder - 1
Worldedit just stopped woring double slash command is invalid
#63 opened by Alatarius - 0
Cylinder selection on Y 0 is not rendered right.
#65 opened by Migats - 3
Crashes when loading a single player world with multiconnect installed
#67 opened by VL4DST3R - 1
We need 1.17
#68 opened by Walker-BJ99 - 0
"Cuboid Grid Color" and "Cuboid Edge Color" config options swapped
#69 opened by tomhula - 1
minecraft crashes when cleaing selection
#70 opened by vi945786 - 2
Toggle view on and off.
#72 opened by level42ca - 2
Error when clearing selection with hotkey
#75 opened by SolidBlock-cn - 1
Can't see anything with big selection, and it's pretty hard to see anything in general
#76 opened by Test-Account666 - 1
Crashes game when trying to clear selected area
#79 opened by InFloencer - 1
Clearing selection with keystroke crashes the game
#78 opened by GoldEmberMage - 3
#82 opened by jg2002-j - 1
WorldEditCUI-1.19.3+01 crashes on MC launch
#83 opened by vandon1 - 4
Toggelable overlay
#107 opened by enderkruemel - 1
Area display bug
#84 opened by khoor3 - 0
Options screen has an incorrect tab order
#88 opened by haykam821 - 2
Add forge 1.19 builds of WorldEditCUI Mod
#89 opened by StealthyExpertX - 1
Add support for 1.19.4
#90 opened by RinixGG - 3
Not showing the selected positions.
#95 opened by ZOwi3 - 2
Unable to join non-WorldEdit servers
#96 opened by puppie1997 - 3
Add support for 1.20.1
#97 opened by Linux1145141919810 - 0
Crash when start with floodgate
#98 opened by lonelysam3 - 3
Grid stops being visible after reloading server
#99 opened by cwshields - 2
Add this Forge 1.20.x port to WorldEditCUI
#101 opened by Tsoccerguy3 - 1
selection grid displays through blocks
#108 opened by enderkruemel - 1
Support 1.20.6
#111 opened by SawFowl - 0
1.20.6 and 1.21
#114 opened by itsarian - 0
Incompatibility with immersive portals
#115 opened by ninjaguardian - 5
1.21 please
#116 opened by kitovoi111 - 1
Will there ever be a 1.20.6 version?
#117 opened by Tanjiraaaaa - 6
Player-independent crosshair
#118 opened by mk-pmb - 1
Minecraft 1.21.x support?
#119 opened by peti - 0
Version for 1.21+
#120 opened by tema712 - 1
Port the mod to 1.21!
#121 opened by HardRedux - 1
Update to 1.21
#124 opened by NLCaelum - 0
please 1.21.1 fabric
#125 opened by kitovoi111 - 1
Add earlier versions to Modrinth please.
#127 opened by Yoshiman5551 - 1
1.12.3/4 Release
#126 opened by Torphedo