- 0
Fullscreen in Multi-MC
#29 opened by MaamuT - 0
1.19.2 support
#30 opened by chuanwise - 0
1.13 Support
#25 opened by bloodmc - 0
1.14 :|
#26 opened by FlashLight34 - 1
Jittery Rendering at high Coordinate values
#5 opened by rcmaehl - 7
//sel convex unsupported
#6 opened by octylFractal - 0
Mod spams "/we cui" command.
#27 opened by Moire9 - 10
WorldEditCUI for 1.9
#10 opened by TomLewis - 3
Minecraft crash
#13 opened by iLefty - 1
Request: Add a chunk border viewer option
#15 opened by Nuinethir - 26
Request: Event to support multiple selections
#16 opened by bloodmc - 5
Changing from //sel fuzzy to //sel cuboid freezes client
#17 opened by jonthesquirrel - 1
WorldEditCUI doesn't display when using Optifine C8 & shaders enabled
#18 opened by Dockter - 3
Glass/Water in front of selections. Toggle?
#20 opened by Ecconia - 3
Feature Request: Delete selections client sided
#21 opened by Ecconia - 5
#22 opened by bloodmc - 1
Increased startup time when using WECUI w/ Forge
#23 opened by bloodmc - 4
Schematic Overlay Feature
#24 opened by bloodmc