- 1
Suggestion: Enable filter and fluid filter from ExU2
#4 opened by XXxinsanityxX - 1
No Analog Crafter Recipe
#5 opened by Arranms96 - 1
Suggestion: Let EnderIO Clear Glass be craftable
#6 opened by calebanthony - 2
Rice in Centrifuge not producing Methane
#7 opened by Mechy71 - 1
[Suggestion] Put the serverpack on the curseforge website
#8 opened by StefvanderLinden - 2
Server crashes upon specific player joining
#9 opened by Mx772 - 1
Nether Portals Still Enabled
#10 opened by KAfable - 0
Server usage with spongeforge.
#11 opened by Truetech000 - 1
Major dupe bug using the crafting table
#12 opened by pinger80 - 1
[Feature Request] Quality of life mods
#1 opened by xt9 - 1
Redundant Biomass Recipes in Distillation Tower
#2 opened by KAfable - 1
HSLA Ingots Uncraftable / Nuclearcraft Turbine Uncraftable
#3 opened by KAfable - 1
Computronics for OpenComputers
#24 opened by TheEternalEmperor - 2
Reinforced Satchel Quest Autocompletes
#25 opened by The-Inariel - 2
Quite Clear Glass recipe issue
#27 opened by Impos913 - 3
Redundant Soulbound and Autosmelt Enchantments
#26 opened by KAfable - 1
EU2 solar panel
#29 opened by Impos913 - 1
Vibrant Capacitor Bank doesn't require Octadic Capacitor
#28 opened by mendel3 - 1
Add teslalocators (MOD SUGGESTION)
#30 opened by Truetech000 - 1
Rotors in extruder?
#31 opened by Impos913 - 1
Unable to remove armour plating from jetpacks
#32 opened by Sarioah - 2
No Alloy Smelter recipe for sterling silver
#33 opened by TheSilvus - 1
Quest #91 issue
#34 opened by Impos913 - 1
Quest description for extraterrestrial matter off
#35 opened by daddy77gaming - 2
Storage Drawer Controller description is Incorrect
#36 opened by zOwenn - 1
Steel Heavy Plates quest comes after needing them
#37 opened by TGWeaver - 4
Hardened Portable Tank recipe issues
#38 opened by TGWeaver - 2
Assembler hopper recipe's only accept trapped chests
#13 opened by daddy77gaming - 1
More Furnaces GUI Glitch
#14 opened by Kime78 - 1
[suggestion] add OpenComputer
#15 opened by 3131CuNb - 1
Redstone Alloy in chests
#16 opened by mendel3 - 1
Maybe add mek?
#17 opened by Truetech000 - 2
Recipe nether quartz ore into crushed emerald ..
#18 opened by daddy77gaming - 0
Nickel Gears
#19 opened by RKAHN82 - 2
Suggested Useless Mods to Remove: Blur, World Tooltips, Realistic Item Drops
#23 opened by StoneLegion - 0
"New Recipes Unlocked"
#20 opened by StoneLegion - 0
Open Computers have been left in the pack with vanilla recipes.
#21 opened by StoneLegion - 1
Suggestion to add Better Advancements
#22 opened by StoneLegion