RLTweaks - An RLCraft Addition

RLTweaks - An RLCraft Addition



Conjuring Stone uses

Conjuring Stone uses

One of the many new items, the conjuring stone is used to make defiled tomes and conjuring altars.
Rune Fusion

Rune Fusion

A few examples of the crafting line to the abyssal rune.
JEI Showcase

JEI Showcase

Every Item added by RLTweaks as of version 1.4.0.
Recycling Example #1

Recycling Example #1

Recycling useless items into charges.
Recycling Example #2

Recycling Example #2

No more unused soulstones or scepters!


How to craft Furystone - a major crafting component in the Fury Alloy.
Fury Alloy

Fury Alloy

Not it's only use
JEI Showcase (Outdated, see below)

JEI Showcase (Outdated, see below)

Every Item added by RLTweaks as of version 1.0.