Bliss Shaders

Bliss Shaders


Torches in multiplayer

DudeMcChill opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I am not sure the terms of certain things, or even if the shader is meant to be multiplayer compatible, but when it comes to the feature where when you're holding a torch or other light source and it lights up the surrounding area, is there a way to make it so you can see other players doing that too? or is that not a feature/ a bug?


With the "floodfill" setting shader setting -> ambient light -> floodfill it may be possible
otherwise, I only can reliably find the player position, i have absolutely zero information about where or what any other thing in the world is.


please reopen its still an issue


this was not an issue or bug report. they were simply asking a question


can we make that an issue please ? it would be really cool to see others handlight


hey actually, i had done some testing and found out that zombies and other mobs will emit light properly when holding a torch, so i went into the files and rendered players the same and it works! I haven't encountered any issues caused by this and just thought I would tell you, and anyone else who reads this thread.


@S0ly if read my comment above if you'd like to see others handlight!!


yes please make a pull request about it :)