Bliss Shaders

Bliss Shaders


[Bug] Memory Leak when using TACZ

TqLxQuanZ opened this issue · 9 comments


Describe the bug

Describe the bug in as much detail as possible. capturing footage of it with images or videos is preferred.

Describe how your minecraft is set up

  1. Include a screenshot of the in-game f3 debug overlay. Please make sure it is fully visible.

  2. If you cannot do option 1. Please list the following information instead:

  • What GPU vendor you are using:
    Nvidia RTX 3070
  • What operating system you are using:
    Windows 11
  • What minecraft version you are playing:
    Minecraft 1.20.1-forge.47.3.0
  • If you are using a special client for minecraft:
    Only minecraft launcher
  • What shader loading mod you are using:
    Oculus 1.7.0 and Embeddium 0.3.31
  • What version of the shader you are using:
    Bliss Shader Main, directly downloaded from GitHub
  • If you are using any, what additional mods you are using besides the ones required to use the shader:
    Timeless and Classic Zero 1.0.3

Describe how to reproduce the bug

  1. Install those following mods:
    TACZ 1.0.3
  2. Make sure bliss shader is on.
  3. Create a new world.
  4. Take out a gun, and start shooting, even without shooting the memory leak will also slowly piles up, shooting makes it faster for some reason.
  5. Wait until the game starts to lag out.
  6. Crash.

Crash logs:



More Details:

This is within the single player mode, multiplayer also having the same when joining a dedicated server.
Problem doesn't exist with other shaders as far as I tested, such as complimentary shader.

Shader settings are default.

If this is an issue from TACZ itself, please let me know and I'll poke them in the issue thread.


Alright, huge thanks on this, I'll poke on the TACZ developer side.


im very confident in saying theyre aware of it. it has been months.


Damn that's quick reply haha, since you're here may I ask any idea of the estimation of releasing the DH supported version to CF?


this is indeed on TACZ's end, according to the Iris developer.
it is a problem related to how the 2 mods interact when iris's hybrid deferred entities feature is used by a shader. i cannot do anything about this.

there is an option in the shader you can turn off: shader settings -> debug/experimental -> TRANSLUCENT_ENTITIES
which turns off the use of that iris feature, but it will no longer render translucent entities correctly.


hmmm... i cant really say. ive got a handful of stuff i really want to fix up before then.
on top of that, burnout and motivation/focus problems add even more delays lol


I see, no worries on that! I really love to use your shader as it brings outstanding and amazing view, while retain the performance optimization from what I see.
Especially the skyboxes, clouds and light rays, those are top notch!


Do you perhaps have a paypal donation page? The one on the github page right now is stripe only and doesn't allow paypal :(


i swear it could do paypal what the hell

guess im gonna change websites.... again


okay i switched to kofi, i didnt know that site didnt support payal smh

i updated all the links on the github readme/modrinth/curseforge for that action