Bliss Shaders

Bliss Shaders


Water levels drops with your y coordinate

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the bug

The further up your y coordinate is the more water level drops (distant horizons), it is most noticeable when you go above y-100. This causes werid black terrain.

Describe how your minecraft is set up

My specs aren't the best but I doubt they cause this.

Describe how to reproduce the bug

Fly up (with elytra or creative mode) near a big water surface with distant horizons installed and the water will drop down.

I have 3 example pictures, 2 in multiplayer, 1 in singleplayer

Image (multiplayer broken, y 200)

Image (at around y 80 its not noticeable, multiplayer)

Image (in single player, y 150)


thats... really odd.
does this happen in the unstable development version? download it here


Using the unstable development version fixed it! Thanks!