CTMPOMFIX Shader  (Chocapic13' Shaders edit)

CTMPOMFIX Shader (Chocapic13' Shaders edit)



This is a Chocapic13' Shaders edit with CTMPOMFIX for Seamless Connected Textures with POM. That means it can do really good 3d textures with variations in a way that has never been possible before.

This shader also features LIVE TEXTURE UPSCALING in game with more better upscaling algorithms coming soon.


I have also added a new lighting system with PBR support and am in the process of creating a raytracing/pathtracing version. Don't worry, you can turn all that off if you don't want to use it, and all my additions are highly customizable.

If you have low fps, using one of the low presets in shader settings will turn off all raytracing nice and easy. I will improve ray tracing performance significantly after I add a few more features to it.

mossy cobblestoneImage: mossy cobblestone and cobblestone (with 3d transitions blending them together) with the optional old lighting

 Video: live texture upscaling and filtering in game

I recommend the Newest 'release' version with the green 'R', and if it has performance profiles I recommend the extreme version for the screen space shadows. I use the 'R' to mean recommended, because I am just about always adding stuff and almost everything is a beta.

PBR lighting forest


Most screenshots have 2 resource packs: resource pack from the future for Seamless 3D Textures, and Patrix for the majority of everything else. They also feature no-cubes, and a lot of mods. Full mod list is in this video's description.



This shader is built on top of Chocapic13' shaders. Most of the shader code is by Chocapic13, except for the "CTMPOMFIX" / "Timetravelbeard's Better 3D Textures" and "PBR Lighting rework" code which is by me.

Chocapic13's license about shader edits is included in the shader zip, and is in this spoiler along with a list of other edits since moderators want proof edits are allowed:

Chocapic13'allows edits provided they include his license and are named appropriately. Curseforge hosts several edits already:






"License, as stated by Chocapic13: Sharing a modified version of my shaders: You are not allowed to claim any of the code included in "Chocapic13' shaders" as your own You can share a modified version of my shaders if you respect the following title scheme : " -Name of the shaderpack- (Chocapic13' Shaders edit) " You cannot use any monetizing links (for example adfoc.us ; adf.ly) The rules of modification and sharing have to be same as the one here (copy paste all these rules in your post and change depending if you allow modification or not), you cannot make your own rules, you can only choose if you allow redistribution. I have to be clearly credited You cannot use any version older than "Chocapic13' Shaders V4" as a base, however you can modify older versions for personal use Common sense : if you want a feature from another shaderpack or want to use a piece of code found on the web, make sure the code is open source. In doubt ask the creator. Common sense #2 : share your modification only if you think it adds something really useful to the shaderpack(not only 2-3 constants changed) Special level of permission; with written permission from Chocapic13, on request if you think your shaderpack is an huge modification from the original: Allows to use monetizing links Allows to create your own sharing rules Shaderpack name can be chosen Listed on Chocapic13' shaders official thread Chocapic13 still have to be clearly credited Using this shaderpack in a video or a picture: You are allowed to use this shaderpack for screenshots and videos if you give the shaderpack name in the description/message You are allowed to use this shaderpack in monetized videos if you respect the rule above. Minecraft websites: The download link must redirect to the download link given in the shaderpack's official thread There has to be a link to the shaderpack's official thread You are not allowed to add any monetizing link to the shaderpack download If you are not sure about what you are allowed to do or not, PM Chocapic13 on http://www.minecraftforum.net/. Not respecting these rules can and will result in a request of thread/download shutdown to the host/administrator, with or without warning. Intellectual property stealing is punished by law. "

Chocapic13' Shaders are here without my edit:


I don't know how exactly curseforge works, but please download thier unedited version too so they get the downloads.

Big thanks to Chocapic13 for allowing edits. It lets me give you this feature set right now instead of writing a whole shader from scratch.

I will eventually write a shader from scratch so that I can more easily add new features and better tune performance, if you'd like to see that happen, come tell me on discord.

 sky light

Image: ray traced ambient sky light (default in screen space for performance)


as some video options are outside of the shader settings and I can't adjust them.

Here are some more bad screenshots:

Video: Seamless 3D Texture Variants, edges and transitions, all without the problems POM usually has.

a cobblestone wall with 3d seamless texture variations

Image: rock wall (Seamless 3d connected textures of Cobblestone. If you zoom in you can see highly detailed 3d individual rocks making up a seamless wall with variations as is only possible with the CTMPOMFIX technique I pioneered that is included in this shader.-old lighting)

dirt Image: dirt (Seamless 3d dirt texture with individual 3d rocks -old lighting)

more screenshots in Images tab  


-Turn Connected Textures on Fancy ( in Video Settings: / Quality )

-Turn off Better Grass: ( in Video Settings: / Quality )

-Use a resource pack that uses CTMPOMFIX (resource packs that don't use CTMPOMFIX should render as they normally would)

-*If you see any buggy seams between blocks, Crank up Initial POM Quality to like 50 ( in the CTMPOMFIX menu ) the default 30 is me trying to test this as a patch in several shaders and not bog your system down with a high default. You can also make sure pom Refiner is set to 10, and disable noise.


-if the sky is a blown out white glow, turn off Vanilla clouds in the optifine video settings



Low, medium, high, and extreme are based off the chocapic 13's presets. Extreme has screen space shadows that make everything look better. They are quality/performance presets. If a version doesn't have a performance tag, it's extreme, that's what I test new features in.

Release means I think I'm done with it for a while, or I've made significant changes that I think you should update to.

Beta means it's stable with no errors I know about but I'm still working on stuff, I just want you to be able to play it early if you really want to.

Alpha means there are bugs and you need to follow instructions on the changelog or you'll have a bad time. I do not recommend playing alpha versions.

Always check the changelog in the files tab for each version if you want to see what's new. I also sometimes put links in there to YouTube videos showing what's new.

 1.2 Has seamless 3D texture variations

 1.3 adds a lot of enhancements to POM and the lighting is still base Chocapic13's

1.4 adds texture upscaling and filtering.

1.5 is recommended. It has reworked PBR lighting with optional raytracing/pathtracing features being added, but it's not perfect yet. If you don't use a PBR resource pack, you should use release 1.4 or the lighting might get buggy.


This is a boring video that explains some of the features in the CTMPOMFIX menu. You shouldn't watch it and you shouldn't go in that menu unless you want to turn on the live texture upscaling or some other extra features. In that case use the timestamps in the video.


I will expand PBR support to creatures and blocks in your hand soon, I will also add more reflections on PBR materials and make reflections better.

  If you have any other feature requests, please make them on my discord and I'll put them on the to-do list if they aren't horrible to do and I like them.

 If you want the "Timetravelbeard's Better 3D Textures Patch" or just the "CTMPOMFIX" Patch in another shader, ask me on my discord. Honestly I am going to do so much with the lighting on here that I don't think I'll be playing in other shaders much anymore, but I like choices and I'll patch it if I have time. I might already have compatibility in there, so come check.



I have this listed as 1.20.1 and 1.19.2 compatibility because that's what I play and have tested it in. It's going to be the same as the unedited version, so look there for actual compatibility, if I try to copy that whole checklist I'll probably mess it up:

Chocapic13' Shaders are here without my edit and show compatibility for older versions:



You can come to my discord for info on my resource pack using the Seamless 3D technique, as it's currently a work in progress.

There is also an early alpha version here on curseforge.

And the Demo of just cobblestone is also already up here with HD versions to try out: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/ctmpomfix-demo-seamless-pom-with-connected

If you want help making a resource pack that utilizes this technique, come to my discord, I will eventually be making tutorials, and there's already documentation on how it works.

  Resource packs that don't use the CTMPOMFIX technique should render as they normally would.


Please direct all questions and comments to my discord, I can reply faster there. You can also get a sneak peek at what's coming soon and join the conversation.

My Discord: https://discord.gg/S6F4r6K5yU