AL's Hololive Weapons

AL's Hololive Weapons


*IMPORTANT!!!*: Since AL's Hololive Weapons uses Custom Item Textures, this pack will require the following:


...or alternatively:

*CIT Resewn

This pack adds custom Hololive themed weapon variants that can be obtained by renaming items in an anvil.

Included are references to Hololive Japan, Hololive English, and Hololive Indonesia!

While this can be used as a stand-alone pack, it is made to be compatible with/used alongside the Mickey Joe's Barely Defaut resource pack so go check it out too if you want!

Renamable items list:

Diamond/Netherite Sword to:

- Left Oni Katana

- Right Oni Katana

- Bodyguard Katana

- Ricky

- Phoenix Sword

- Hand of Time

- Dagger of Civilization

- Archiver's Redactor

- Thorn

- Feester Gauntlet

- Alien Paintbrush

- Path of Sincerity

- Anya Melfissa

- Umbrella

Diamond/Netherite Axe to:

- Psycho Axe

- Giant Carrot

- Tuning Fork

- Violance

Mace to:

- Knightly Mace

- Blacksmith's Hammer

Extra Notes:

- The default Trident has been replaced with Gura's Trident. If you're using the Barely Default resource pack, the model will change to match the style of the Barely Default Trident.

- If you are using Barely Default, make sure to load this pack above it in the pack selection screen.

- You can rename a Carved Pumpkin to "Path of Sincerity Hat" to get a custom hat that looks like a sword! (The pumpkin blur effect is removed in this pack.)