Glass GUI

Glass GUI

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Your Minecraft, Glassified
====== About ======

Glass GUI is a series of 16x16 resource packs that make Minecraft GUI dark and glossy with nice minimalist icons.
The goal of this packs is to make the interface look more clean and modern while staying true to its origins, keeping the vanilla feel in it.

The pack is available for 1.7, 1.8, 1.9–1.14 and 1.15–1.18+.

tip: try playing with BLUR mod, this pack looks much nicer with blurred background

You can also download some additional pack for even better experience:

  • GGUI AOL― Tired of annoying overlays? This add-on removes pumpkin, frostbite and nausea (set "Nausea Effects" to 0 in Accessibility settings!) overlays, and makes water and spyglass overlays a little less annoying.
    Available for 1024×768px, 1280×1024px and 1920×1080px.
  • GGUI PAN― Custom panoramas for Glass GUI. Available in 2 variants (click the title to download):
    dynamic ― dark version of 1.12 panorama, works on all supported versions
    static ― lime-green glossy background you can change to your own, works only on 1.13+.
  • GGUI MOD ― Adds Glass GUI support for several mods. Click the spoiler below to see the full list
    Available for all supported versions

• Aether Legacy
• Bat Mod
• Infinity Item Editor
• Inventory Tweaks Renewed
• Millénaire
• Minecraft World Downloader
• Not Enough Items
• Replay Mod
• Trash Slot
...and all mods without Custom GUIs, obviously

--- Suggest your mods in the comments below ---

====== Update History ======


+ Initial Release. Was successed by v1.1 in 4 or 5 days

+ Realms support
+ Achievements GUI for old versions

+ Bonus content (will become add-ons later)
+ English language color support
+ Updated Smiting Table's GUI (20w17a+)

+ Added support for 1.16 containers
+ Russian language color support
+ New bonus content
+ Small language and GUI changes
+ Achievements container fix

v1.4 (current)
+ The pack was separated to different version to make it easier to support different MCJE versions
+ Bonus content was reformed to separately downloadable add-ons, making the packs more lightweight and customizable
+ Renewed XP bar and boss bars to fit the style better
+ 1.17 and 1.18 containers support
+ Added compass to map background
+ Fire in smelting-like GUIs was recolored to pale-reddish
+ (a lot of) Interface fixes
+ AOL updates

--- (^-^)/ I hope you'll enjoy the pack! ---

If you wish to see this pack's page on PlanetMinecraft, click here.