Glass GUI

Glass GUI

Non-ingame UI

Non-ingame UI

Ingame widgets

Ingame widgets

Love these underground springs, I wonder why they're so hot though

Love these underground springs, I wonder why they're so hot though

Get dark panorama or use your own picture with GGUI PAN!

Get dark panorama or use your own picture with GGUI PAN!

Ingame UI

Ingame UI

Some containers

Some containers

Use GGUI AOL to remove annoying overlays

Use GGUI AOL to remove annoying overlays

Playing with mods? Try GGUI MOD for better experience

Playing with mods? Try GGUI MOD for better experience

Glass GUI with BLUR mod vs without BLUR mod

Glass GUI with BLUR mod vs without BLUR mod

Even more containers

Even more containers

Let's glassify your Minecraft. Again

Let's glassify your Minecraft. Again