Megacraft Classic - Be the Block Bomber!

Megacraft Classic - Be the Block Bomber!


In the year 199X, a young user named The Creature Keeper (or CK20XX for short(?)) bought... oh, forget it. Just watch the video. It tells the story better than I can with text.

Megacraft Classic is a complete, definitive Mega Man themed resource pack for Minecraft. EVERYTHING has been modified, including blocks, items, foliage gradients, the End Poem, and... a good handful of sounds. OK, so it's not literally everything, but some of the more noteworthy features include:

- A HUD combining elements from all over the franchise, such as arcade-style energy meters, weapon panels containing your inventory, and a power meter to contain the energy from all the P Chips you collect!

- A custom font based off of Mega Man 6! (The font from 9 and 10 was far too wide and would always force text out of bounds.)

- A custom language file: English (Mega Man)! You have to manually activate it in the game options though, so don't forget to do that!

- Arm yourself with a Mega Buster and many special weapons like the Deep Digger, Super Arm, Leaf Shield, Rolling Cutter, and even the Wire Adapter!

- Work with electronics! Salvage circuit boards from buried scrap heaps, craft computer monitors that flash with streams of data, and watch redstone torches spark with power!

- Testificates that look better and may also be less annoying than the default ones!

- Equip your horse with a seat cushion and three different kinds of Rush adapters!

- Sound effects from all over the franchise! Feel yourself power-up as you eat, get a warning beep before something explosive goes off, and sound like Hard Man when you take a long dive into solid ground!

- Destroy holographic aliens, collect their cores, and use them to defeat the Mecha Dragon and claim Gemini Man's lair as your own personal pocket dimension!

- Megatunes! The game world music consists of classic compositions and the records contain the best of fan remixes! Take a look at the track list in the resource pack's "record" folder!