Spook's Bare Bones AddOn Pack

Spook's Bare Bones AddOn Pack


Spook's Bare Bones AddOn Pack 1.3


Spook's bare Bones AddOn Pack
"The cover image is NOT an in-game screenshot, it is a 3D render." (Credit RobotPantaloons)


This pack is an AddOn to Bare Bones in Java edition. This pack do NOT contain Bare Bones textures. You need to download Bare Bones seperately.

This pack adds some additional features to Bare Bones. Most of these features like Random Mobs or connected textures require OptiFine.


Glowing Textures

- Mobs and several items glow in the dark.
(Can be turned off with a simple fix: Just delete the emissive.properties in the assets/minecraft/optifine folder)

Connected Textures (CTM) & Random Variations


Random Mobs

random mobs


1.1 Nether



Biome Dependend Stone


Adds a black & transparent GUI for all menus.
Removed all GUIIs anyone interested in having the GUI I used here as separate download?

Full List

- Opening for Carved Pumpkins & Jack o Lantern
- Clear Glass, Glass Panes & Stained Glass
- Changed Hey color to be less saturated
- Made the book of the enchanting table dark
- Changed the enchantment glim to be less obstrusive
- Biome based Sky (Still working on it, but should work already, if no shader is used)
- Totem of Undying has white wings
- Witch has green skin now
- Fixed the bookshelves to fit to the oak wood texture again.
- Restored the grass & foliage colormap to default (more colorful grass)
- Added glowing textures to mobs and many textures
- Added green grass border for path
- Added wall top details
- Changed the ladder texture
- New Gravel Texture that looks more like the vanilla one
- Adjusted Andesite & polished Andesite to fit better to Stone Bricks
- Adjusted Granite & Polished Granite to fit better to Bricks
- Changed the loom to look like an empty bookshelf
- Changed the golden textures to look more like gold. Based on Robanana's Alternative Gold (Permission granted)
- Added Colormaps for Stone, Cobblestone & Stone Bricks and all variations to look different in every biome (Ores supported)
- Added different inventory icons for Infested blocks to easier differentiate them in creative (the placed block does looks the same!)
- Update new Stone Texture from Bare Bones 1.15
- Added Pumpkin top side that is glowing

Connected Textures

- Glass, Glass Panes & Stained Glass

- Bookshelves

- Diamond Block

- Gold Block

- Added Chiseled Stone Bricks CTM to cerate pillars
- Bricks have Top CTM

Random block variations
- Bricks
- Iron bars
- All ores
- Carved Pumpkin & Jack o Lantern (Mob faces)
- Cobblestone & mossy Cobblestone
- Stonebricks & mossy & cracled Stonebricks
- Bookshelves (All connecting still)
- Walls for: andesite, brick, cobblestone, diorite, granite, mossy cobblestone, mossy stone brick, stone bricks (more to come)

- Loom & Bookshelves overlay to create party empty bookshelves
- Andesite, Diorite & Granite overlay to ores and give them a new background
- (Mossy / Cracked) Stone Bricks overlayed by: (Mossy) Cobblestone, Stone, Andesite, Diorite, Granite & All Concrete colors
- (Mossy) Cobblestone overlay to stone, corner overlays look like diagonal path.
- Mossy Cobblestone overlay Cobblestone
- Bricks side overplayed by: (Mossy)Cobblestone, Stone, Andesite, Diorite, Granite & All Concrete colors
- Sand overlay Sandstone at the sides to give a better transition

Random Mobs & Biome based Mobs

- 6 Bats

- 4 Polarbear

- 16 Blaze (1 rare)

- 81 Cows

   - Default: brown spotted + 1 rare

   - Plains: black & white + 1 rare

   - Mountains: brown + 1 rare

   - Bad Lands: Bisons

- 5 Dolphins (1 rare)

- 14 Enderman (1 rare)

- 48 Fox / 33 Snow Fox (1 rare Fox & 1 rare snow fox)

- 18 Ocelot (1 rare)

- 52 Parrots (from Feathered Fency, with allowence, check credits at the bottom)

- 53 Pigs

   - Default: pink & spots + baby textures + 1 rare,

   - Swamp: muddy,

   - Forest: Boars + Baby textures

- 187 Skeleton

   - Default: bright white, bloody, zombie parts,

   - Underground: dark, dirty + 1 rare,

   - Forest: Mossy, bloody, zombie parts,

   - Jungle: mossy, vines,

   - Desert: Husk parts, mummies,

   - Savanna: brownish, cracks, dried blood,

   - Ice & Snow: bluish, cracks, bloody

- 8 Stray

- 12 Wither (1 rare)

- 47 Slime

   - Swamp: brownish green + 1 rare,

   - Default: different shades of green + rare colored ones

- 19 Turtles

- 107 Villager (biome depended skin, eyes and "hair" color. Including Swamp & Jungle + 2 rare)

- 16 Wolves

   - Forest: grey + 1 rare,

   - Taiga brown + 1 rare,

   - Giant Taiga: dark,

   - Snow: white + 1 rare

- Netherrack variants
- Nether Quartz variants
- Black Netherbricks, added variants and connected textures
- Nether Bricks wall with details
- Better Nether Bricks fence texture- Connected Glowstone
- Gravel in the nether has now a red tint
- 13 Nether specific brown mushroom
- 14 Nether specific red mushroom
- Nether Wart has different colors in different grow states
- Added rare eyeball Netherrack (only optic ;) )
- Chests in the nether are now black
- The GUI in the nether has now a red tint

- Desert biome specific wavy sand texture
- Chest in the desert look like sandstone
- Connected textures for all Sandstone variations. The Sandstone blocks will connect with each other!
- Hidden glyphs in the chiseled Sandstone
- Added Sandstone Wall improvements
- 5 cactus variations + flowers
- 12 Dead Bush variations
- Changed Cut Sandstone to be smooth pillars
- Added vertical decorated pillar ctm for chiseled Sandstone

I added an alternatives folder, for people who like specific texture better than the main ones. Just copy the whole assets folder in the main one and override all textures.

Included alternatives for:
- New or Vanilla Cobblestone texture
- New or Vanilla Gravel Texture
- New or Vanilla Natherbricks Color
- Colormaps for Stone, Cobblestone & Stone Bricks or not.


1. Download and install OptiFine.

2. Download and install Bare Bones.

3. Download my pack.

4. Load my pack above Bare Bones in the texture pack load order.

5. Have fun!

Planned Features

- Adding missing random mobs (I'm working on it and thinking cool ideas for biome based skins)
- Adding random & connected blocks for the Underwater blocks
- Adding random & connected blocks for the End blocks
- More detailed connected textures to make structures like Nether fortress, End Cities and other more interesting
- Adding biome based textures
- Adding variations for plants & flowers
- Adding some custom name variatios of items
- Adding more connected texture features

If you have suggestions, lemme hear


RobotPantaloons (Creator of Bare Bones) for providing the logo and thumbnail and approving my work. 

Overlord for allowing me to include his pack Feathered Fency. (Check out his pack and other works!)

Robanana for allowing me to take the idea of the Alternative Gold pack.