Spook's Bare Bones AddOn Pack

Spook's Bare Bones AddOn Pack

New brick Textures

New brick Textures

Alternative Cobblestone Textures

Alternative Cobblestone Textures

Desert Temple

Desert Temple

Desert Temple
Connected Nether Bricks

Connected Nether Bricks

Wall Top

Wall Top

Connected Glowstone

Connected Glowstone

Connected Glowstone & random Netherrack & Nether Quartz
Random Pumpkin

Random Pumpkin

Stone and Cobblestone & Stone_Bricks have colormaps including ores. Ores adjacent to andesite, diorite or granite will have thes

Stone and Cobblestone & Stone_Bricks have colormaps including ores. Ores adjacent to andesite, diorite or granite will have thes

New gravel texture based on Vanilla, Adjusted Granite & Andesite to be more fitting to bricks & Stone bricks.

New gravel texture based on Vanilla, Adjusted Granite & Andesite to be more fitting to bricks & Stone bricks.

Desert Temple

Desert Temple

Desert Temple