pbInfo ThreatMeter
ThreatMeter showing absolute values.

pbInfo BloodBars
Colored bloodbars with real hp values.
pbInfo bloodbars settings:
- Show real hp in blood bars
- Color blood bar from green to red

pbInfo Tooltip
Tooltip showing information about gathering materials.

pbInfo BloodBars
Colored bloodbars with real hp values.
pbInfo bloodbars settings:
- Show real hp in blood bars
- Color blood bar from green to red

pbInfo ThreatMeter
ThreatMeter showing percentage values.

pbInfo QuestTracker
QuestTracker showing some quests.

pbInfo TargetFrame
TargetFrame showing information about Bloodthirsty Demon.
pbInfo target frame settings:
- Show real hp in target frame
- Keep percentage values
- Color health bar from green to red

pbInfo Tooltip
Tooltip showing information about a player.
pbInfo tooltip settings:
- Smooth healthpoints coloring
- Show mana, rage, focus and energy
- Show distance

pbInfo Tooltip
Tooltip showing information about Wandering Ent.
pbInfo tooltip settings:
- Smooth healthpoints coloring
- Show mana, rage, focus and energy


Config frame (v0.17): TargetFrame
Settings for TargetFrame.

pbInfo Tooltip
Tooltip showing information about Aslan Dragonfly.
pbInfo tooltip settings:
- Smooth healthpoints coloring
- Show distance

Config frame (v0.17): ChatLog
Settings for ChatLog.

Config frame (v0.17): Tooltip
Settings for Tooltip.

pbInfo Tooltip
Tooltip showing information about New Moon Ent.
pbInfo tooltip settings:
- Smooth healthpoints coloring
- Show mana, rage, focus and energy

pbInfo Tooltip
Tooltip showing information about gathering materials.

pbInfo Tooltip
Tooltip showing information about Silverfall Guard.
pbInfo tooltip settings:
- Smooth healthpoints coloring
- Show mana, rage, focus and energy

pbInfo TargetFrame
TargetFrame showing information about Kroon Scorpion.
pbInfo target frame settings:
- Show real hp in target frame
- Color health bar from green to red

pbInfo Logo
The logo =).

Config frame (v0.17): General
General Settings.

Config frame (v0.17): BloodBars
Settings for the BloodBars.

pbInfo TargetFrame
TargetFrame showing information about Bloodthirsty Demon.
pbInfo target frame settings:
- Show real hp in target frame
- Keep percentage values
- Color health bar from green to red

pbInfo Tooltip
Tooltip showing information about a player.
pbInfo tooltip settings:
- Smooth healthpoints coloring
- Show mana, rage, focus and energy
- Show distance
- Show target's target

pbInfo Chat
Two chat lines showing little information about a player and a mob.

Config frame (v0.17): ThreatMeter
Settings for ThreatMeter.

Config frame (v0.17): QuestTracker
Settings for the QuestTracker.