The Sims 4
16,497 Mods
Kitty Cat Collar With Ribbon Bow Front & Back
43k DownloadsTwo Separate Cute Collars With Bows
Cat bow collar
35.6k DownloadsCat bow collar
The Kalino Advents Calender 2018
31.8k DownloadsWinter CC for yours Sims and Pets
Pets Seasons Package
19.7k DownloadsSeason cloths for your pets
Project Simmy - Dalmatian Spots (Vol 1)
16.1k DownloadsSix custom brushes for you to use when painting your pet's fur in Create-a-Sim / Create-a-Pet!
Little hippogriff
16k DownloadsLittle hippogriff
Great wolf skin by Jochi
12.5k DownloadsGreat wolf skin by Jochi
Halloween Package
9.4k DownloadsHalloween accessoires for your pets
Dragons Packages (Large Dogs)
8.6k DownloadsAdd Dragons Accessoires to your dogs
Alien pet skin for cat by Jochi
8.4k DownloadsAlien pet skin for cat by Jochi
Project Simmy - General Paint Brushes for Pets (Vol 1)
8.1k DownloadsSix custom brushes for you to use when painting your pet's fur in Create-a-Sim / Create-a-Pet!
Baby panda skin for small dogs
7.2k DownloadsBaby panda skin for small dogs
Robot Pets - ts2 Conversion
6.6k DownloadsSims2 Pets PSP to Sims4 Robot Pets Conversion
Robo Pets - Freeplay Conversion
6.6k DownloadsRobot pet outfits. Sims Freeplay to Sims4 Robo Pets Conversion
Horse Tattoo #1
6k DownloadsBeautiful horseback pattern in 13 colors.
[PW] Realistic Horse Full Mesh Replacer
5.6k DownloadsRealistic horse eyes, withers, hips, round beautiful hooves, save corruption free. This is the all in one mesh overhaul that you've been waiting for!
Robot Pets - Online Conversion
4.7k DownloadsSims Online to Sims4 Robot Pets Conversion
[PW] Royal Jumper Saddle Pads
4k Downloads13 exquisite, shining saddle pads to wow the crowd.
Glitter Horse Saddlecloth
4k DownloadsGlitter horse blanket in 30 colors
Rex (small dogs)
3.7k DownloadsAmazing collars for Small dogs