[PW] Mawari Non-Replacer Head and Body

[PW] Mawari Non-Replacer Head and Body


Head Preset: This is found in 'horn' and I recommend using a no unicorn sparkle mod. (Objuct to the rescue!) You can find the snap-on body as a tail base item.

The head will toggle off your head completely and equip only this one, works with all sliders and includes smaller eye with a total remesh of the proportions to fit the Mawari breed. You can make the ears curl over onto each other by changing the ear type in CAS!!! So you can create a lot of different classical Mawari ear types with this mod.

The ears are (slightly) asymmetrical for realism. :)

The body is an overlay or 'snap on'. It has no clip if you're using my PW body. But a vanilla (and most bodies) version is also included. Please choose one or the other since you can only use one body replacer at a time, and they share ID's. :)