Museum of Modern Junk

Museum of Modern Junk


Museum of Modern Junk

Info: This charming museum is home to all things junk! Exhibiting this month: Bathrooms: The modern marvel; Campus Life (Sponsored by Britechester University), the interactive Moschino exhibit; Seasons!; and Video Games Through the Ages. Be sure to check out the bar and observation deck, included with ticket price!

No refunds

Gallery price: 181,159 (not including lot)

Lot size and type (if not Residential): 40x30, Museum

Lot traits, challenges: N/A

Made on (default lot name): Plumbob Pictures Museum, Starlight Boulevard, Del Sol Valley

Number of "room" tiles: 999+

Expansion / Game Packs: High School Years / Snowy Escape / Cottage Living / Get Famous / Eco Lifestyle / Seasons / Cats and Dogs / Get Together / Get to Work / Discover University / Realm of Magic / Parenthood / Spa Day

Stuff Packs and Kits: Tiny Living / Moschino / My First Pet / Toddler / Backyard Stuff / Kids Room / Spooky / Perfect Patio / Bathroom Clutter / Desert Luxe / Decor to the Max / Holiday Celebration / Grim's Ghoulish Guitar

Floorplan: This building was purpose-built as an exhibition hall and a community gathering space. With a rooftop bar, and dozens of things to gawk at, the MOMJ is ready to serve the community. Ground floor and main hall exhibition spaces available upon booking.

Interior features: The main exhibition hall is open and airy, and features gigantic skylights and floor to ceiling windows with two-story ceilings. Bathrooms are also an exhibit (currently) and are on the ground floor near the exit.

Exterior features: Rooftop bar. Rooftop bar? Rooftop bar! Also home to Art in the Park - a Painting Semi-Circle, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.

Three SimPrime favorite things about this community space:
- Exhibition hall means it can be repurposed into anything. Need to show off a fancy concept car? An Ode to Nectar? Famous Potatoes? Pictures of cats? It's up to you.
- Large Curator office can be a secure space for upcoming exhibits before they begin showing
- Rooftop bar? Rooftop bar!

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