Top down - First floor
The first floor
Rear property
Rear of the industrial property
Ground floor exhibition space
Ground floor exhibition space
A thematic photo of the Museum
Rear gardens
The rear gardens are home to our world-famous Art in the Park - Painting Semi-Circle
Front elevation
The front of the industrial property
Entering the museum from the public footpath
Top down - ground floor
The ground floor
Main exhibition hall
The stairway to the main exhibition hall offers stunning views of the raised ceilings in the building
Rooftop bar 2
The rooftop bar offers great views of Del Sol Valley
The primary restrooms are on the ground floor and have 4 unisex stalls
Rooftop bar
The rooftop bar offers a large TV, and plenty of outdoor seating
Ground floor 2
More exhibition space
Main Exhibition hall
The main exhibition hall is very large and with high ceiling w/skylight, makes for an ideal space for any large group activity or exhibition.