Info: This charming two story cottage has everything a growing family needs, including space for stay-overs, a big yard for play dates, and lots of chic touches.
Gallery price: 74,283 (not including lot)
Lot size: 30x20
Lot traits, challenges: N/A
Made on (default lot name): Sequoia Cottage, in Hopewell Hills, San Sequoia
Number of "room" tiles including covered porches: 259
Expansion Packs: Growing Together / Eco Lifestyle / High School Years / Discover University / Seasons / Cats and Dogs / Get Together / Get to Work / Dream Home decorator / Parenthood
Stuff Packs and Kits: Paranormal / Tiny Living / Laundry Day / Toddler / Kids room / Cool kitchen / Book nook / Basement treasures / Bathroom Clutter / Everyday clutter / Blooming Rooms
Floorplan - bedrooms: 4, 1 primary, 1 teen, 1 child's, and one guest/elder on the ground floor.
- common areas: Large living room and den flows into the kitchen and dining room, and upstairs into the private chambers. Outside features front and rear covered porches, and plenty of green grass to play.
Interior features: Beautiful fully renovated inside and out according to the latest in fashionable trends. Modern appliances. High end upholstery. Techy gimmicky stuff.
Exterior features: The exterior of the home features white and pale blue wood siding with white trim and neatly landscaped grounds.
Five SimPrime favorite things about this home:
- The front room and dining room are absolutely beautiful and right out of a home trends magazine.
- The home features all new appliances and plenty of eco-friendly upgrades.
- The children's rooms are generously sized, with plenty of room to grow.
- The home features lots of common area for activities with all life stages in mind
- Fresh air, green grass, big trees - this lot has it all.
ETC: I wanted to stay true to the ethos of the LilSimsie original home, but I built this from the ground up with my own flairs. How'd I do?
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