Front living room
Entering the home brings you to the front living room
Child's bedroom
A child's bedroom, suitable for a toddler, newborn or infant
A thematic photo of the home
Ground floor bedroom
The ground floor bedroom features an en suite and is ideal for guests or parents
Rear elevation
Rear of the home
Teen's room
The teen's bedroom
Dining room
The dining room is exceptional and ready for your events
First floor bathroom
The first floor shared hall bathroom
Cutaway 2
First floor cutaway
Front elevation
The front of the home
Side elevation
Side of the home
Ground floor en suite
En suite for the ground floor bedroom
Three-quarter view
Three-quarter view of the home's roofline
The galley kitchen is flowing and the central point of the home
Cutaway 1
Ground floor cutaway
Ground floor bathroom
The ground floor bathroom does double duty as the laundry room
Primary bedroom
The primary bedroom