Smells-Blargo Stagecoach

Smells-Blargo Stagecoach


Smells-Blargo Stagecoach

Info: This piece of history nestled in the back of New Appaloosa has so much history to tell - and could be a fantastic challenge home for one brave Sim recreating the Pioneer Days.

Gallery price: 14,534 (not including lot)
Lot size and type (if not Residential): 30x20, Tier 2 Tiny Home
Lot traits, challenges: Off-the-Grid, Wild Prairie Grass
Made on (default lot name): Champion's Grove, in New Appaloosa, Chestnut Ridge
Number of "room" tiles including covered porches: 36

Tiny Living notice

Expansion / Game Packs: Horse Ranch / Growing Together / Get Famous / Cats and Dogs / Get Together / Vampires
Stuff Packs and Kits: N/A

Floorplan - bedrooms: This is a historic Stagecoach and isn't your typical home. It has been semi-converted to be livable. It is a single room with space for sitting or sleeping, and access to the Reinsman platform, which includes additional space to sit with fantastic 270* views of the property.
- common areas: This entire lot is a "common area". There is no private space here. If you intend to have multiple sims on this lot, they will have to know each other intimately. Otherwise, please ask your neighbors to leave when you wish to have privacy.

Interior features: Period-correct furniture and furnishings, includes an ice box in case you needed a snack.
Exterior features: It's a stagecoach from 155+ years ago. The fact that it hasn't fallen apart is the impressive part. The stagecoach is trimmed in natural hardwoods with windows and a single door, with platform steps rising to meet it. The exterior "deck" is the Reinsman platform, and is big enough for perhaps two at a time. The property includes a pen for animals, a small pond with Fishing Allowed sign, and lots of wild grass and native plants.

Three SimPrime favorite things about this home:
- For rustic living, you can't beat pretending that it's taking you three months to get 400 miles.
- The lot includes a ranch grill, because you will need to eat - eventually
- The pen is a perfect size for up to one horse, or a small menagerie of goat-like things

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