Smells-Blargo Stagecoach

Smells-Blargo Stagecoach



A thematic photo of the lot
Property overview

Property overview

The property is 30x20 and is mostly outdoors. The stagecoach comes with the lot
Reinsman (reverse)

Reinsman (reverse)

Looking back from the reinsman platform into the coach
Property overview (alt)

Property overview (alt)

Alternate view
Stagecoach Interior

Stagecoach Interior

The interior of the stagecoach is quite small, but has enough room for a bed, a couch, a chair, an ice box, and a way to get to the Reinsman.
Reinsman platform

Reinsman platform

The reinsman platform features a bench for sitting, 270* views for exceptional visibility, and a small overhang to shelter him from the elements.