Maegor's Wives

Maegor's Wives


Inspired by the ASoIaF & Fire and Blood Characters. Icon of this project inspired by ASoIaF house/city sigils and emblems.

Rhaena not Included in this download; *Rhaena Targaryen* [LINK]

CC Heavy (lists in several .txt files noncomprehensive)
(for Height) LUMMIA Body Presets and Slider

from the "Official" Website (WARNING -- LONG)

Ceryse Hightower

A noblewoman from House Hightower, the daughter of Lord Manfred Hightower of Oldtown. Her maternal uncle was one of the High Septons during the reign of King Aegon I Targaryen. She eventually married Prince Maegor Targaryen, becoming his first (of many) wives.

Ceryse, still at Oldtown [while Maegor married both Alys Harroway and Tyanna], continued to insist that she was Maegor's only lawful queen despite his declaring her barren. However, while Maegor stayed at Oldtown for half a year while presiding over the trials of the Warrior's Sons chapter there, in that time Ceryse reconciled with Maegor. Ceryse agreed to accept Maegor's other two wives, with Maegor in turn swearing to restore Ceryse to all the rights, incomes, and privileges due her as lawful queen. They celebrated their reunion with a great feast and had a second consummation. She later returned to court at King's Landing.

Shortly after the completion of the Red Keep in 45 AC, Ceryse died of a sudden illness.

Alys Harroway

A noblewoman from House Harroway during the reign of kings Aegon I, Aenys I and Maegor I Targaryen. She was the daughter of Lord Lucas Harroway of Harrenhal.

Alys married Prince Maegor Targaryen in 39 AC in a Valyrian wedding ceremony officiated by Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen, as the septon at Dragonstone refused to perform the wedding. As Maegor was already married to Lady Ceryse Hightower, whom he claimed to be barren, Alys's marriage to Maegor was a polygamous one. As such, their marriage angered many. Maegor quarreled bitterly with his brother, King Aenys I Targaryen, who had neither known of the marriage prior to the ceremony, nor given his leave for it. The High Septon denounced the marriage as sin and fornication and called Alys "this whore of Harroway", and many of the pious lords in the realm similarly openly began to refer to Alys as "Maegor's Whore". King Aenys furiously gave his brother a choice: set Alys aside or go into exile for five years. Maegor chose the latter option. In 40 AC Alys left Westeros for Pentos, accompanying Maegor in his exile. Tyanna was rumored to be her paramour, Maegor's, or both of theirs before she married Maegor when he returned from Pentos. [...] When Maegor took Tyanna as his third wife later that year, Alys presided over the bedding ceremony and joined Maegor and Tyanna in their wedding night.


In 44 AC Alys became pregnant. Grand Maester Desmond confined her to her bed, assisted by two septas, a midwife, and the queen's sisters Jeyne and Hanna, and per Maegor's insistence, both Queen Ceryse and Queen Tyanna served her as well. However, after three months Alys went into labor, bleeding heavily. She gave birth to a stillborn monstrosity, eyeless and twisted. In his rage, Maegor ordered the executions of those in charge of the queen's care, sparing only Alys's sisters.

Following these executions, Maegor was approached by Queen Tyanna, who claimed the king had been deceived. She informed the king that the stillborn boy had not been of his seed, but the result of one of Alys's many affairs. She claimed that Alys, after seeing the old, embittered, and childless Queen Ceryse Hightower return to court, feared the same fate awaited her unless she gave the king a healthy son. According to Tyanna, Alys had asked her father, Lord Lucas Harroway, Maegor's Hand, for aid, and so, on the nights that Maegor was sharing a bed with his two other queens, Lucas sent men of confirmed fertility to Alys's chambers. When Maegor refused to believe these claims, Tyanna provided a list of twenty names as proof. The men were tortured in secret so Alys and her father would not be aware, and all but two confessed to their crimes.

Queen Alys was dragged from her bed by knights of the Kingsguard, her sisters being cut down when they tried to intervene. Her father was flung from the Tower of the Hand. Alys's brothers, uncles, and cousins were put on the spikes that line the dry moat around Maegor's Holdfast. Alys herself received the worst death of all; she was given over to Tyanna. Her death is said to have taken a fortnight of agonizing torture, for which Maegor himself was present. After her death, Alys body was cut into seven parts and mounted on spikes above the seven gates of King's Landing.

Tyanna of the Tower

Also known as Tyanna of Pentos, was a courtesan from Pentos. Was rumored to be the natural [bastard] daughter of a magister of Pentos. She began as a tavern dancer and rose to become a courtesan, although some claimed she was also a poisoner and a sorceress.

Tyanna was a pale beauty with black hair the color of a raven. Her name may come from the fact that Pentos is known for its square brick towers.

Tyanna is said to have dabbled in sorcery and alchemy. According to some rumors, she was not loved by her mother-in-law, Queen Visenya Targaryen. She is remembered as a black-hearted woman who was hated and feared.

When Queen Alys gave birth to a monstrosity in 44 AC, Queen Tyanna convinced Maegor that it was due to Alys having secret affairs. Maegor disbelieved Tyanna and called her a barren, jealous witch, whereupon Tyanna provided the king with a list of twenty men she claimed had slept with Alys.This led to the extinction of House Harroway,and the torture and execution of dozens of alleged lovers. Tyanna tortured Alys herself for near a fortnight until the queen died.

Tyanna was unable to give Maegor an heir, so the king wed the three Black Brides—Elinor Costayne, Jeyne Westerling, and Rhaena Targaryen—in 47 AC. Tyanna forced Rhaena's obedience by threatening her daughters, Aerea and Rhaella. Some stories claim that Tyanna gave Jeyne a fertility potion that night, but the new bride tossed it into Tyanna's face. '

In 48 AC, Queen Jeyne birthed a stillborn monstrosity, and rumors spread that Maegor was cursed. The angry king had two of his Kingsguard, Ser Owen Bush and Ser Maladon Moore, bring Tyanna to the dungeons. As the torturers prepared their tools, she confessed her responsibility for the two abominations born of Alys Harroway and Jeyne Westerling, claiming she had poisoned the babies in their mothers' wombs. Tyanna also promised that the same fate would befall the pregnant Elinor Costayne. Tyanna was killed by Maegor's own hand, her heart cut out with Blackfyre and thrown to his dogs;Maladon stood witness to her death. Two moons later Elinor birthed a stillborn monstrosity.

Elinor Costayne

A noblewoman from House Costayne. Along with Lady Jeyne Westerling and Princess Rhaena Targaryen, she was one of the so-called "Black Brides".

Elinor enjoyed a quiet life with her three children by her first husband, Ser Theo Bolling. Theo was arrested by knights of the Kingsguard, however, accused of conspiring with Queen Alyssa Velaryon to place her son, Prince Jaehaerys, on the Iron Throne, and was executed. After seven days of mourning, Elinor was summoned to wed King Maegor I Targaryen. Her sons' presence at the wedding ensured she would play her part in the ceremony. According to one tale, Elinor scratched Maegor's back to bloody ribbons as they coupled.


When Queen Tyanna of the Tower admitted to poisoning Queen Alys Harroway during her pregnancy, Tyanna promised the same would happen to Elinor. Tyanna was proven correct when Elinor gave birth to a stillborn abomination said to have been born eyeless and with small wings. Elinor was one of the two wives who survived the king, the other being Queen Rhaena Targaryen.

After King Maegor's death, Lord Daemon Velaryon proposed that King Jaehaerys I Targaryen marry Queen Elinor to reconcile with Maegor's supporters when a bride was being considered for the king, but nothing came of the proposal.After Jaehaerys's ascent, Elinor departed King's Landing dressed in the robes of a penitent. She visited her two elder sons at the Eyrie and Highgarden before retiring to her father's seat at the Three Towers with her youngest son.

Later, King Jaehaerys commanded Elinor to go forth and spread his Doctrine of Exceptionalism to the peoples of the Seven Kingdoms, as well as the goodness of Jaehaerys and Alysanne, becoming one of the Seven Speakers. Her queenly raiment became shabbier and more threadbare each day, and she eventually gave up all claims to nobility, becoming Mother Elinor at the great motherhouse in Lannisport.

Jeyne Westerling

A noblewoman from House Westerling, Jeyne was married to Lord Alyn Tarbeck. She was widowed when Alyn died during the Battle Beneath the Gods Eye in 43 AC. Jeyne was pregnant when her husband died, and gave him a posthumous son a few months later.

In 47 AC, Jeyne was being courted by a younger son of Lyman Lannister, the Lord of Casterly Rock, when King Maegor I Targaryen sent for her to be wed to him. She married Maegor in a ceremony at King's Landing, along with Lady Elinor Costayne and Princess Rhaena Targaryen.

Jeyne's son was present for the wedding, to ensure that she would take part in the ceremony as desired. The stories told of the wedding night claim that Jeyne was given a fertility potion by Queen Tyanna of the Tower, and either drank it, or threw it in Tyanna's face. After the wedding, Queen Jeyne's son was confirmed as Lord of Tarbeck Hall, and sent to Casterly Rock to be raised as a ward of Lyman Lannister.

Lord Edwell Celtigar, the Hand of the King, announced half a year after the wedding that Queen Jeyne was pregnant, and Queen Elinor's pregnancy was announced shortly afterwards. Maegor, joyful, showered both his wives with gifts and honors, and granted new lands and offices to their fathers, brothers, and uncles. Unfortunately, Jeyne's labor began three months early, and she gave birth to a stillborn child, monstrous, lacking arms and legs but possessing both male and female genitalia. Jeyne herself died soon after.

In 48 AC, Tyanna of the Tower confessed to having poisoned Jeyne's child in the womb.