The Sims 4
15,735 Mods
Matte/Backdrop Default Replacements
807k DownloadsDefault Replacement for the 2D Matte backdrops
Empty worlds for all packs V2
7.3k DownloadsThis is an updated version of my empty worlds to include the new world Tomarang
TSM Wind Mill - Deco Houses and Blades
4k DownloadsPlace a wind mill on or off lot - deco houses and add blades
Evergreen Harbor Backdrop Fix
2.9k DownloadsThis small mod fixes the backdrop disappearing in Evergreen Harbor
Tomarang Golden Temple - Two versions
1.9k DownloadsA Golden Temple for your hood. Deco version (BCG) or Inter-Active (FR) versions available.
Medieval Old Town Hood Deco Houses - Soap Maker Set
1.8k DownloadsConverted from Settlers 6, a set with 6 deco houses for your hood
Oasis Springs - Mirage Canyon skirting [FIX]
1.7k DownloadsFixes an issue where the skirting was disappearing when zooming in
Medieval Old Town Hood Deco Houses - Weaver Set
1.5k DownloadsConverted from Settlers 6, a set with 6 deco houses for your hood
Medieval Old Town Hood Deco Houses - Pharmacy Set
1.5k DownloadsConverted from Settlers 6, a set with 6 deco houses for your hood
Medieval Old Town Hood Deco Houses - Tanner Set
1.5k DownloadsConverted from Settlers 6, a set with 6 deco houses for your hood
Hood Deco Castle: Old King's Castle
1.5k DownloadsConverted deco castle from Settlers 5
Medieval Old Town Hood Deco Houses - Broom Maker Set
1.4k DownloadsConverted from Settlers 6, a set with 6 deco houses for your hood
Hood Deco Castle: Dark Castle
1.4k DownloadsConverted deco castle from Settlers 5
Tomarang Khana Temple
1.4k DownloadsA pretty temple for your hood. Deco Version (BGC) and Inter-Active version available (needs For Rent)
Hood Deco: Settlers 6 Farms - houses and deco objects
1.2k DownloadsFour different kind of farms - Grain, Cattle, Sheep and Beekeeper - to decorate your hood
Walls & Towers Hood Deco
1.2k DownloadsWalls & Towers to match the Hood Deco Castles - Light or Dark
Tomarang Storehouse with Inter-Active Market Function
1.2k DownloadsA new version of the Tomarang Fish-Market, based on converted Settlers Storehouse
Hood Deco Houses: Windleport Storehouses & Piers
1.2k DownloadsDeco Houses for your hood - storehouses for a port or trading place
CK3 Jousting Arena - Medieval Equestrian Center
1.1k DownloadsInter-active shell: Equestrian Center for Medieval times ("Rabbit Hole")
Windleport Kogge
1.1k DownloadsA ship for your trading needs - hood or lot deco