- 1
Add helper.Content.NormaliseAssetName method
#404 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Prevent parallel asset loads/edits during save processing
#403 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Improve handling of invalid characters in manifest EntryDLL field
#402 opened by Pathoschild - 2
Migrate log parser to Linux environment
#401 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Increase log duration
#400 opened by Pathoschild - 2
Validate all XNB files
#399 opened by Pathoschild - 4
Manifest dependency `IsRequired` field not working
#398 opened by spacechase0 - 1
player_add console command should handle tool quality
#397 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Sprite corruption issue
#396 opened by Pathoschild - 2
TileSheets\FruitTree ContentEditor - Loading a PNG triggers error (sometimes)
#395 opened by spacechase0 - 1
Ignore mcs files
#394 opened by Pathoschild - 1
CFAutomate compatibility error has no URLs
#393 opened by Pathoschild - 1
SMAPI 2.0 or 2.1 crash on start
#392 opened by Sulfurous - 7
Content API Invalidation Issue
#391 opened by Sakorona - 3
Expose version checking service in SMAPI
#388 opened by spacechase0 - 0
weird error when loading save
#387 opened by zanderb27 - 1
Only lets 2 mods?
#385 opened by Ariesponsible - 1
EventArgsInput.SuppressButton doesn't suppress mouse clicks
#384 opened by YonKuma - 1
Loading custom asset fails on Linux/Mac
#383 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Mod build package should target .NET Framework 4.5
#382 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Some content loads broken in SMAPI 2.1 beta
#381 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Show friendly update-check error when no connection is available
#380 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Don't let SMAPI mods invalidate other mods' assets
#379 opened by Pathoschild - 3
Request for SaveEvents.BeforeLoad
#378 opened by spacechase0 - 1
Running the Installer Deleted my steamapps folder
#377 opened by feudalpig - 1
Old mods which doesn't updated by modder auto disabled in NEW SMAPI.
#376 opened by Dainishi - 1
Add Steam config instructions to installer
#375 opened by Pathoschild - 3
Review events during new-game intro
#374 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Centralise content loading to fix map tilesheet edge case
#373 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Problem with SMAPI start up!
#372 opened by TheRetroGaymer - 1
Allow reflection into Game1
#371 opened by Pathoschild - 1
SMAPI's SDate.Now() still throws an error on Spring 0 Year 1
#369 opened by Sakorona - 3
Review rules for resolving map tilesheet
#368 opened by Pathoschild - 1
e.Cursor.GrabTile can return vectors with decimal numbers
#367 opened by Mindcrank - 6
Add option to hide the SMAPI console
#366 opened by M-AlNoaimi - 1
SMAPI won't run. "Unhandled exception" error
#365 opened by GirlGalvanized - 1
Filter known SDV log spam
#364 opened by Entoarox - 3
Expose batch cache invalidation to mods
#363 opened by Entoarox - 1
Remove base.Entry() calls automatically
#362 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Retroactively add mod update keys
#361 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Drop 1.x support
#360 opened by Pathoschild - 1
player_setlevel does not update XP properly
#359 opened by spacechase0 - 4
Add SMAPI log parser
#358 opened by Entoarox - 2
a mod does not work
#357 opened by yoshifan8001 - 3
Improve handling of missing assembly references in mods
#356 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Fix '.dll.dll' in trace logs
#355 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Intercept temporary content managers
#354 opened by Pathoschild - 2
New content api doesn't seem to fully function
#353 opened by Midaychi - 2
Improve asset management
#352 opened by Pathoschild - 1
Mechanic to premultiply textures that are not loaded from disk directly
#351 opened by Entoarox