



WildStar addon with minor Guild Bank improvements, such as filtering by name, and auto-stacking items.

Source code can be found on GitHub.

Released versions are published on Curse. Full addon description can be found on Curse as well.

Double addon registration issue?

Due to addon folder renames, you may see GuildBankTools registered twice on the Addons list in-game, which will cause Lua errors. You can fix the double-entry issue this way:

  1. Shut down WildStar completely.
  2. Uninstall GuildBankTools (delete directory "%APPDATA%\NCSOFT\WildStar\Addons\GuildBankTools", or remove it via Curse Client - you can keep the settings).
  3. Start WildStar and log in on any character.
  4. Shut down WildStar again, and re-install the addon.

Alternative fix:

  1. Shut down WildStar completely.
  2. Open file "%APPDATA%\NCSOFT\WildStar\Addons.xml" in a text editor.
  3. Search for lines containing "GuildBankTools" or "guildbanktools". You'll find 2 lines.
  4. Delete the all-lowercase line and save the file.
  5. Start WildStar again.