- 1
Feature Request: Support to show number of items that is either in your bag or you have listed on AH on crafting window under profit.
#1294 opened by applegateaustin - 0
Stray print in code
#1295 opened by dpcodes - 1
New Lua Error with latest update 12/8/2022
#1297 opened by Kaenna52 - 0
Error whe dragging scroll bar in Cancelling tab when undercut scan running
#1298 opened by plusmouse - 4
New errors for auctionator 10.0.25 (wasn't there yesterday)
#1299 opened by nToxik - 3
Auctionator buuged
#1300 opened by Hammerpass - 3
Error when opening jewelcrafting and choosing an item to recraft
#1301 opened by Caerdon - 4
"Interface\FrameXML\Bindings.xml:1 constant table overflow": Auctionator.lua in "SavedVariables" gets emptied
#1313 opened by Ahfau77 - 1
Lua Error (ProfessionsCustomers)
#1310 opened by KatyPurry - 1
Crafter order NPC Bug
#1311 opened by Rubyurek - 1
In crafting UI, use lowest price to calculate crafting cost, not lowest quality
#1312 opened by kevininderhees - 8
Please add a Crafted Quality option to the Extended Search Options
#1302 opened by jonjbm - 3
Items dissapear on selling and not appear in the Auction
#1303 opened by io-sar - 8
Action Forbidden
#1304 opened by lightyear66 - 5
Split the option for item level and item name sell price calculation
#1305 opened by cremor - 1
Lua error
#1306 opened by zeenk - 1
Attempt to index field 'Database' (a nil value)
#1308 opened by Grizz2202 - 1
Stack Price toggle button in "Cancelling" tab
#1309 opened by aucqa - 6
Feature Request: clicking item icon in Selling tab should take you to Buy tab for this specific item
#1319 opened by Rezy942 - 2
Feature Request: per-item customizable notes in shopping list
#1320 opened by Rezy942 - 16
Post button takes a long time to become available
#1314 opened by MarshallBuhl - 1
Keep crafting window AND Auctionator window open at same time
#1315 opened by speedweaver - 1
#1317 opened by Luierror - 2
Canceling Undercuts constantly fail.
#1316 opened by AHFarmer123 - 20
Request: rearrange shopping tab to be more user friendly / easier to use quickly
#1318 opened by Rezy942 - 1
Hide the Unhide all option. Pun not intended.
#1321 opened by UnoneTV - 2
Temporary search filter on AH causing lua error
#1322 opened by Tsubear - 2
German localization issue
#1323 opened by NVO88 - 2
Feature Request: Show # of items in bags when buying in "Buy" tab
#1324 opened by Rezy942 - 1
still lists as out of date
#1325 opened by wolfbain5 - 1
Consider doing Github Releases
#1326 opened by Skeen - 0
Sell Grey Items since they are now transmogable
#1339 opened by MandaJo111 - 1
Feature request: Allow selecting chat tab to post messages to
#1340 opened by EgorKulikov - 7
#1327 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 1
Net profit for selling
#1329 opened by MarshallBuhl - 1
Is this price really "a bit low?"
#1328 opened by MarshallBuhl - 2
Feature Request: pre-configured per-expansion shopping lists (with community's help?)
#1330 opened by Rezy942 - 6
Not Working for Classic Era
#1331 opened by maximus210793 - 2
Not loading on classic
#1332 opened by KalmiaKamui - 1
January 21 can't post auctions of multiple items.
#1333 opened by Karnadas - 3
Price to craft for enchanting is always wrong
#1334 opened by Tirkoue - 0
lua error on selling window
#1335 opened by Elvara26 - 5
Bug (or maybe feature request?): Alt + Right clicking item in "Selling" tab price update warning
#1337 opened by Rezy942 - 1
tooltip lines
#1336 opened by drsleo - 3
LUA Error when tracking recipe on Place Crafting Order window
#1338 opened by fearkite - 5
Classic Era Bug when clicking "Selling" Button
#1341 opened by maximus210793 - 1
Suggestion / UI Improvement feedback
#1342 opened by Rezy942 - 9
Addon doesn't even show up when I go to AH
#1343 opened by ZacAttac21 - 1
Feature Request: disable opening bags when visiting auction house
#1344 opened by Rezy942 - 1
mousing over "tracked" recipes in the quest log throws lua error
#1345 opened by ScottIngram