- 0
Change numRows to display more auctions in FauxScroll Content Frame
#301 opened by omattman - 22
[lua error]
#300 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 3
[bug report] incomplete piles can't be posted after posting completes piles
#299 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 1
Small improvement request for gold autocomplete
#298 opened by wodim - 0
Alert when putting stuff up for auction at lower than vendor price
#297 opened by wodim - 2
[suggestion] armor slot search without armor type
#296 opened by goudekid - 2
Lua error
#295 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 1
Items with charges falsely appear in vendor-profit searches
#294 opened by kennybilko - 1
'CompactUnitFrame' error
#293 opened by kakkakk - 0
[Feature Request] Verbose tooltip
#290 opened by gitHabbe - 3
lua Errors in latest version
#289 opened by smoothys - 2
coroutine error
#288 opened by Road-block - 1
Extend tooltip to support GameTooltip.SetItemByID
#286 opened by darfink - 1
Search item from Item ID?
#284 opened by KevinTyrrell - 1
Holding shift while mousing over a stack doesn't show the stack price
#282 opened by anthmarc - 4
Discombobulator Ray (Items w/ Charges)
#281 opened by KevinTyrrell - 3
[bug report] : /aux post duration don't work.
#280 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 1
[bug report] : for the item [discombobulator ray], you can't chose the number of stacks to sell
#279 opened by waytoomuchgaming - 2
[Feature Request] Renaming of saved searches
#278 opened by Jakobud - 20
Item quality on recent searches
#277 opened by spidor - 1
Multi-category queries
#276 opened by KevinTyrrell - 2
Disconnecting during full scan
#275 opened by SwimmingTiger - 1
LUA error when posting many items
#274 opened by GregoryGH - 0
Suggestion: Crafting Cost support with Skillet
#273 opened by bobjackson321 - 1
#272 opened by f1est0 - 3
Listing multiple recipes
#271 opened by fgsfdss - 1
Disenchant-Profit filter calculates wrong profit
#270 opened by Und3adrav3n - 6
Disenchant Distribution including Nexus Crystals...
#269 opened by kakkakk - 1
Stack count resets while posting
#268 opened by tyggyr - 5
post tab lua error
#267 opened by mooreatv - 1
Request: Sort By Bidding %?
#266 opened by lystig12 - 1
Something to look into: disenchant distribution
#265 opened by fgsfdss - 1
Request: prevent alt+click from auto-buyout
#264 opened by Jabark - 1
Feature request: english search on other clients
#263 opened by EnergiaBuran - 1
Suggestion: alt modifier for unfavorite
#262 opened by fgsfdss - 3
Can no longer right click to sort favorites up / down
#261 opened by lvangh - 5
Page Count Not Showing In Status Bar
#260 opened by Patchett - 2
Can't put multiple stacks on the AH
#259 opened by luxlime - 2
Full auction scan when trying to post Fused Wiring
#258 opened by refaim - 1
Filter settings are not remembered since update + New users can't learn post filter options
#257 opened by adexxoda - 5
New Filter Builder sucks.
#256 opened by padmanek - 1
Error when trying to post Mageweave
#255 opened by antitheseus - 3
Lua error alt right clicking on an empty slot in bags
#254 opened by sipertruk - 1
question about search filters
#253 opened by desecfutz - 6
aux lag
#252 opened by knasen88 - 0
#251 opened by qwksilver - 3
Undercut for starting bids is doing weird things
#250 opened by Winsane - 3
can't post, wont set starting price.
#249 opened by raskundaa - 2
Tooltip info stopped showing
#248 opened by antitheseus - 1
Error on Classic:
#246 opened by Havenloft