- 10
[BUG] <Lua Error>
#38 opened by lyubenpeev - 2
[BUG] <unusable interface>
#37 opened by lyubenpeev - 3
[Bug] Absorb overlays not showing on the player health bar
#36 opened by LitongQi - 2
Import profile/universal profiles.
#35 opened by Combobulates - 1
[Feature] Option to keep the target frame regular sized when the target is a boss, or a critter.
#34 opened by Goldpaw - 0
[Feature] Make the info block next to the Minimap movable and configurable
#33 opened by Goldpaw - 1
[Feature] Raidframe profile system
#32 opened by Goldpaw - 2
[Feature] Raidframe layout options
#31 opened by Goldpaw - 1
[Feature] Confirmation prompt before profile resets
#30 opened by Goldpaw - 3
[BUG] Changing global UI scale throws error and does not apply to frames
#29 opened by anaarkei - 5
[BUG] Profiles not saving and reverting to default with a reload of the UI or logging in
#28 opened by anaarkei - 2
[BUG] Buffs in combat dissapear control
#26 opened by MichalNemec - 3
[Feature] Raid Frames
#25 opened by JulianChow94 - 3
- 1
[BUG] Rogue(only) Chat Message Bug
#23 opened by Duolik - 1
[BUG] Target HP Bar for Elite is off
#22 opened by kldev2355 - 1
[Feature] Remove Border and Resize Action Bar Buttons
#20 opened by APegram - 4
[BUG] Unable to remove costumes and activated toys
#19 opened by Scruffynerfherding - 4
[BUG] /reload Chat Command Forcibly Enables Vanilla UI Buff Icons
#18 opened by Scruffynerfherding - 2
[BUG] AzeritUI Layout Resetting
#17 opened by Scruffynerfherding - 1
[Feature] Spell ID
#16 opened by ardacam - 4
[Feature] Allow faded bars to only show on mouseover also in combat
#15 opened by deftanksfault - 1
[BUG] Switching Specs Removes Dragonriding Abilities
#14 opened by Scruffynerfherding - 2
[BUG] Switching Specs Resets Layout
#13 opened by Scruffynerfherding - 1
[BUG] Tooltip when clicking on unit frame closes as soon as left click button is released
#12 opened by deftanksfault - 1
[BUG] Empty azerite instead of mana ball for mana users (elemental shaman)
#11 opened by deftanksfault - 1
[BUG] Dragon riding bar position is reset every time I switch between characters
#10 opened by deftanksfault - 2
[BUG] Every time I switch between characters, I have to re-enable secondary action bars
#9 opened by deftanksfault - 1
[BUG] Lua error when logging in with some characters
#8 opened by deftanksfault - 1
[BUG] Eye icon not styled with AzeriteUI artwork
#7 opened by deftanksfault - 1
[BUG] Quest Log on HUD disappearing
#6 opened by Scruffynerfherding - 3
[Feature] Red colored debuffs border
#5 opened by deftanksfault - 2
[BUG] Boss's health bar looks empty, no portrait
#4 opened by deftanksfault - 3
[BUG] Lua error when clicking on legacy raid boss unit frame
#3 opened by deftanksfault - 0
[BUG] Chat Command Not Working
#2 opened by Scruffynerfherding - 1
[BUG] Every Time I relaunch the game the modules reset to default position
#1 opened by EmissaryOfToddHoward