- 1
[BUG] Action Bar errors on new Classic update
#66 opened by mamasita666 - 1
[Feature] Azerite nameplates on player characters
#44 opened by anaarkei - 5
[BUG] Minimap disappearing when using Immersion
#43 opened by anaarkei - 1
The true qi points of the martial monk overlap
#45 opened by Dcryfm - 0
[BUG] Action Bar 2 changing position on login
#46 opened by anaarkei - 7
[Feature] Disable Objectives Tracker styling
#48 opened by AdvLeon - 7
[Feature] Hide Nameplates along with rest of UI for even more Immersion
#47 opened by AdvLeon - 0
[Feature] ExtraQuestButton and active quest functionality
#49 opened by anaarkei - 2
[BUG] Expandable abilities vanish if using fading action bars
#50 opened by anaarkei - 1
[Feature] Visual feedback on unitframes indicating dispellable debuff
#51 opened by anaarkei - 1
[BUG] [Classic] "Usage: HookScript(object, method, [handler]): You can only hook a script on a frame object"
#52 opened by juanfm288 - 3
[BUG] LibFadingFrames error with Stance bar or pet bar
#53 opened by juanfm288 - 2
[Feature] Make Explorer Mode respect action bar fade setting for fully faded bars set to fade separately
#54 opened by anaarkei - 8
[BUG] <title>drop frames 5.2.141-RC
#55 opened by mizone - 5
[BUG] <title>bug for Rogue use TricksoftheTrade Spell(57934) in team
#56 opened by mizone - 3
[Feature] Allow hiding of Class Power in Explorer Mode
#57 opened by Scantraxx01 - 1
[Feature] Hide keybind from actionbars
#58 opened by Scantraxx01 - 2
[BUG][Solved] Cast bar disappearing every reload
#59 opened by DrFontanez - 0
Unit frame Color (Name Plates)
#60 opened by Naizian - 5
[Feature] <Raid5 Frames usable in Raid10 and in Party Mode>
#61 opened by NuptupTDOW - 1
[Feature] <Player Frame exact Mirror of Target Frame>
#62 opened by NuptupTDOW - 1
[Feature] <Any plans for an Azerite themed chatlog?>
#63 opened by NuptupTDOW - 4
[Feature] Toggle options for party member auras
#40 opened by DrFontanez - 1
[BUG] Mana ball not displaying on player frame
#39 opened by anaarkei - 1
[Feature] Better compatibility with ConsolePort's hotkey display
#41 opened by stuardcg - 2
team unitframe issue
#42 opened by Dcryfm - 2
[BUG] Position of the original "Talking Head" frame cannot be saved in standard Edit Mode
#68 opened by thottee - 1
[BUG] Party Frame first member section is invisible
#69 opened by DrFontanez - 0
[BUG] Edit Mode Quest Tracker
#70 opened by ardacam - 1
[BUG] Explorer mode doesnt work?
#71 opened by ulvfdfgtmk - 0
[BUG] Default castbar visible
#72 opened by Scantraxx01 - 0
SecureHook LUA error. (Then Expansion landing page references )
#73 opened by Combobulates - 0
[BUG] <title>The Bars dont work !
#74 opened by IceEnell - 0
[BUG] <title> bugs in 5.2.181-Alpha (game version 11.0.2)
#76 opened by wangyf0611 - 6
[BUG] <title> LUA Error raised in world quests
#75 opened by wangyf0611 - 0
[Feature] Raid/Party Frames
#79 opened by ArmoMike - 0
[BUG] LUA Error when applying poisons in TWW
#81 opened by phlzZz - 0
#84 opened by ZaBalanceX - 0
[Feature] XP bar currentxp
#85 opened by ZaBalanceX - 0
[BUG] <title> Horde/Alliance name not displayed
#82 opened by Aizuma - 0
[BUG] <Encounter bar stuck with my AzeriteUI>
#95 opened by Dolgoon - 0
[BUG] <title>Cannot see all 7 combo points on Rogue.
#97 opened by coolhyun321 - 0
[BUG] <title> Plater bug in 5.2.185-Release
#99 opened by wangyf0611 - 0
[BUG] Never had this issue before...
#98 opened by mikedubx - 0
[Feature] Legacy UI
#100 opened by Scantraxx01 - 0
[BUG] Cata Classic Lua error LibKeyBound
#102 opened by Ness-666 - 1
[BUG] Minimap Player Pointer is now an Eye Icon
#103 opened by SoLOeRGr - 0
[Feature] Add mana bar to Pet Frame for mana-using pets (e.g Warlock Imp)
#104 opened by SoLOeRGr - 0
[Feature] Target & Target of Target resource more readable
#105 opened by SoLOeRGr - 0
[BUG] <title> LUA Vehicle error
#106 opened by BaronSolace