- 2
Bagnon WoW
#1418 opened by 6swayzii - 2
Error with bag type coloring
#1431 opened by hobulian - 1
Error after Search and then hovering over item in bag
#1432 opened by jtmunn - 0
make sortButton separate soulbond and boe
#1419 opened by Leshist - 7
Error from recent update impacting bag use.
#1420 opened by AlucardHSing - 2
9.2.3 Beta Classic Non-functional
#1421 opened by alphabitnz - 3
Error Opening Bags While "Currencies" is Checked
#1422 opened by Shammikaze - 2
Bag separation does not work in bank frame
#1423 opened by alexstraub1990 - 1
WotLK Game Version After patch bag & bank do not open
#1424 opened by Hondu128 - 6
Bags not opening
#1425 opened by KarlGrear - 0
WOTLK pre patch Bagnon issues
#1426 opened by RichDawg50 - 0
WoTLK classic pre patch Bagnon not visible
#1427 opened by Korveld - 0
Guild Bank Log Error
#1428 opened by WingZeroMaster - 0
Wotlk Item Tooltip Error
#1429 opened by marius366 - 0
WotLK Classic possible bug with northrend supply box
#1430 opened by insectdude1258 - 0
Void Storage window broken
#1433 opened by alphabitnz - 1
How do I hide my keyring from the bag window?
#1434 opened by githubgavin1337 - 4
#1435 opened by lloskka - 0
Ability to hide empty keyring slots in bag window
#1436 opened by githubgavin1337 - 3
wotlk classic: Massive FPS drops while hovering mouse over items in bag with only bagnon addon enabled. (seems fixed for now)
#1437 opened by wazerstar - 4
CF source link broken? Can't find updates here
#1438 opened by Voxxel - 7
Inventory not working on ONE of many characters
#1439 opened by mibe549 - 7
Bag slot background
#1448 opened by Voxxel - 9
Bank window not opening
#1449 opened by veljkovicm - 6
Guild Bank tabs still broken
#1450 opened by Mekilya - 1
Bagnon doesn't work for one specific character?
#1451 opened by DynaLight - 0
Items images
#1452 opened by foremtehan - 3
Pawn disabled PawnShouldItemLinkHaveUpgradeArrow on Classic
#1453 opened by TravisSpomer - 0
Can't close windows with ESC while in combat.
#1454 opened by zeenk - 12
Bank broken and will not open after wow 10.0.0 update.
#1456 opened by JohnnyType2 - 2
1.0.0V Error
#1455 opened by zokabazoka85 - 0
10.0.2 broke Bagnon on Retail
#1441 opened by Nillx - 8
Newest Classic build tooltip is transparent
#1442 opened by Trozzzul - 0
Please add a "Lock Bag Items" feature
#1443 opened by Motowatch - 1
with the new update release i can no longer view my bank unless i'm at my bank
#1444 opened by tribecarepresent - 1
Guild Bank tab broken
#1445 opened by AngelicDeath - 0
Highlights of New Items not going away
#1446 opened by Purexbeatdown - 5
Item is not showing 100%
#1447 opened by Wammy99 - 0
Having the Inventory Frame Disabled Breaks using items in my inventory
#1457 opened by Donovan4893 - 6
Unable to interact with guild bank items
#1458 opened by Centias - 0
Unusable after latest patch.
#1459 opened by jwilliam87 - 1
Inventory doesn't open
#1460 opened by samscats - 7
Unable to use dropdown menu for bags in Bank
#1461 opened by Epidemedabear - 1
Error when deposit anima
#1462 opened by Scaver - 2
Error that prevents opening bank (German Client )
#1464 opened by Lirieth - 5
Player Bank does not show contents of Bank Bag 7
#1463 opened by alphabitnz - 2
Error when trying to display bank bags
#1465 opened by QUYERTH - 0
Unable to interact with a banker
#1466 opened by Dranni21312 - 0
Options hidden behind Bank window
#1467 opened by jwilliam87 - 0
Guild Bank Caged Pets Issues (Doesn't happen with Normal Bank which I also have Caged Pets)
#1468 opened by Galthariel