- 0
Bagnon guildbank color?
#1876 opened by vadox97 - 2
Stats of weapons and armor that go into my bags are printed out in chat window
#1877 opened by MarkKehn - 0
#1878 opened by owni46 - 2
What is the point of "Focus Trade"?
#1879 opened by BreakBB - 0
Forever Sorting While Sending Mail
#1830 opened by ericdaltman - 0
#1825 opened by evilgodly - 1
Lua Error / ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN on Vanilla - Season of Discovery
#1826 opened by boktai1000 - 3
BagBrother Popup.lua:133 Error
#1827 opened by evilgodly - 0
bagnon popping up when its not supposed to
#1828 opened by marulol - 1
Can not send link of cached items
#1829 opened by znuaile - 0
Source link from github varies from what is released to curseforge
#1840 opened by alexm3g35 - 0
Default Window Frame
#1837 opened by arctikstorm - 4
Bag Break Resetting after /reload or logging out
#1836 opened by Rennerie - 0
AddOn 'Bagnon' tried to call the protected function 'UNKNOWN()'.
#1838 opened by Sminstes - 0
Don't allow it to force a reload.
#1839 opened by Sxesarah - 16
"You are running an outdated Bagnon version!"
#1831 opened by seskobrodo - 0
LUA error comes up at Lady Serevess
#1832 opened by seskobrodo - 0
protected function 'UNKNOWN()' error
#1833 opened by evilgodly - 11
Bags will not stay separated- keep returning to merged/Never break bags
#1834 opened by galapogosian - 2
Hide bagnon key bags: wrath classic
#1835 opened by mk4reiko - 1
owners.lua:123 Error
#1841 opened by evilgodly - 2
Bagbrother error after installing latest Bagnon update
#1842 opened by astothialo - 22
update today broke bagnon for my character
#1844 opened by Moogle2403 - 1
Guild Bank slots all gave green border
#1845 opened by Rennerie - 1
Error when trying to lock item slots.
#1846 opened by Geeekie - 1
Bagnon will not open in Wrath ..
#1847 opened by Velarax - 2
Attempt to Compare Number with Boolean Error (WOTLK Classic)
#1848 opened by salt-mountain - 0
Lua-fehler win/retail
#1849 opened by jan-riekenberg - 0
Item count total "display"
#1868 opened by Striding - 0
Alt bank not automatically showing when clicking on the alt portrait
#1867 opened by leoncard - 0
Character Specific Settings toggle causes Lua exception
#1850 opened by hackersrage - 1
Bagnon-10.2.13 - 10.2.14 being flagged by windows security for having Trojan:Script/Wacatac.H!ml
#1854 opened by valentevidal - 0
Bagnon Item counts not showing totals from toons on different realms
#1855 opened by bubfeeld - 0
Addon is not opening bag and throwing LUA errors on latest patch
#1856 opened by rionshin - 2
Setting one bag visible makes all of my inventory disappear
#1857 opened by mojowarez - 2
Bagnon 10.2.13 - Merged Servers Not Showing Cross-Realm Item Counts
#1858 opened by voidzone - 2
ListMenuButtons is not a function
#1859 opened by pattyland - 0
Bagnon 10.2.13 Not opening Bank
#1860 opened by BigFire321 - 0
Bagnon Problem
#1861 opened by owni46 - 1
Old Tooltip Designs
#1862 opened by ArenfeIdt - 17
ESC key no longer working (classic ERA)
#1863 opened by Spotnick2 - 2
Void Storage - Buying & First Time Panel/Window is Broken
#1864 opened by Haembina - 1
Bank Reagent Bank using Inventory Reagent Bag functionaility
#1865 opened by pashionmods - 2
WoW Classic Era V1.15.0 - Bags no longer close with "ESC" button
#1866 opened by maximus210793 - 2
#1869 opened by purplemooni - 0
Bagnon_ItemInfo/Modules/Itembind.lua:90: Usage: GetItemInfo(itemID|"name"|"itemlink")
#1870 opened by Thrumbar - 4
Bagnon messing with Weakauras since latest updates.
#1874 opened by dnlpz - 1
Wotlk Lua error on log in
#1872 opened by Speaker1264 - 1
Bagnon preventing from using vendors, banks, mailbox, AH, etc. while in combat
#1873 opened by Speaker1264 - 4
Bagnon causing issues with Color Picker
#1875 opened by BernCarney