


Please call incs!

Playing in the Arathi Basin or in the Eye of the Storm, and the baddies are coming? Fumbling to type "/bg Incoming! GM! 3, no, 4!" while you are dying, stunned by a rogue and trying to interrupt the enemy while they capture your flag?

Use BGIncoming!

One click, and your team members are warned! Often we lose a battleground because the enemy is approaching and nobody got round to warn the team, beause in the heat of battle, fumbling with the keyboard is too stressful, and writing macros too tedious.

  • Automatically determines which battleground you're entering, and switches the available locations accordingly
  • Automatically switches the location (BS, GM, MT, ...) when moving around the battlefield. You can still change this manually, for example if you see that another location is being attacked.
  • One-click warning of incoming
  • One-click announcement of a location being safe - once you have killed all the baddies.
  • One-click invitation to push to a location in a coordinated fashion.
Supported Battlefields (only TBC):

Currently only the battlefields where warning the team matters most for victory are supported:

  • Arathi Basin
  • Eye of the Storm
  • AB: Switch to Arathi Basin Battlefield (should happen automatically, but if it doesnt, press this)
  • EOTS: Switch to Eye Of The Storm Battlefield (should happen automatically, but if it doesnt, press this)
  • +/-: Cycle through UI sizes (small, medum,big, extra large) 
  • RW: Switch to warn on raid warning (RW) channel instead of battlefield chat - only works if you are raid leader or assistant
  • X: Close UI - to reopen, use "/bginc show". But it should appear automatically when you enter a battlefield
  • Buttons 1, 2, 4: Report number of incoming enemies, at the current location, via battlefield chat
  • Button "BIG": Report a big incoming force at the current location
  • Button "Push": Ask politely to push the current location
  • Button "Safe": Will report that the current location is safe
  • Location buttonts (ST, BS, ...MT, DR, ...): Press to set current loctaion. However, whenever you go near one of the locations, the current location is set automatically. You may change this, for example if you stand at BS and see a big enemy force running up to LM, you can quickly switch to LM an press "BIG", and your team will be warned.

 This addon was heavily inspired by BGCallouts, but is a complete re-write - thanks to the authors of BGCallouts for the inspiration!