



A World of Warcraft TBC Addon for Battlegrounds

Playing in the Arathi Basin or in the Eye of the Storm, and the baddies are coming? Fumbling to type "/bg Incoming! GM! 3, no, 4!" while you are dying and stunned by a rogue?

Use BGIncoming!

Just one click, and your team members are warned!

Supported Battlefields (only TBC):

  • Arathi Basin
  • Eye of the Storm


  • One-click warning from incoming enemies
  • Automatically determines which battleground you're entering, and switches the available locations accordingly
  • Automatically switches the location (BS, GM, MT, ...) when moving around the battlefield. You can still change this manually, for example if you see that another location is being attacked.
  • One-click announcement of a location being safe - once you have killed all the baddies

This addon was heavily inspired by BGCallouts, but is a complete re-write - thanks to the authors of BGCallouts for the inspiration!