- 0
Black Bars
#706 opened by yedza - 2
Bars problem
#702 opened by BraisSG - 6
Updating confusion classic / 1.6.3 version on curse
#701 opened by ilu33 - 0
Dead player: Drained Soul overview by Queen Azshara
#700 opened by Erbaerchen - 2
Lady Ashvane
#698 opened by fisken1991 - 2
Za'qul: Missing Dread timer reset
#696 opened by lygiarwen - 5
No decree timer bars Queen Azshara fight
#695 opened by Maximos7 - 2
Lady ashvane
#694 opened by fisken1991 - 4
Error occurred when I entered the Eternal palace - Zaqul's option
#692 opened by BlueNightSky - 0
Infobox not showing Chimeric Mark Stacks on Abyssal Commander in Eternal Palace
#691 opened by russellmm - 2
Arcane Detonation countdown doesn't count Queen Azshara
#690 opened by edvinklaebo - 5
Queen Azshara unplayable
#689 opened by fisken1991 - 1
Azshara beckon
#688 opened by calexanich - 2
Hulk timer (P1 Azshara) is way off
#686 opened by Polarthief - 5
Sound error
#685 opened by ladyvampirekat - 1
[Feature Request] Track time spent wiping on bosses
#684 opened by jammer - 1
[Suggestion] New option for bar growth
#683 opened by Dartx4 - 1
BossBlock LUA errors v149
#674 opened by Nillx - 4
Heart of Frost spell emphasized doesn't work with sound.
#666 opened by Rdka - 7
Oblivion Tear timer
#659 opened by EKE00372 - 1
[Feature Request] Option to disable LFG_ProposalTime feature
#658 opened by fafaraway - 2
V146 on Curse/Twitch not updating
#657 opened by Zigglet - 2
[Suggestion] Alternative spell names
#655 opened by nastye - 1
BigWigs voice
#647 opened - 2
Nvm fixed
#637 opened by JesperHenriksen - 0
Missing movie skip (WoD Highmaul raid)
#633 opened by DoomFiskarna - 1
[Feature request] Circle countdown option
#626 opened by wkrueger - 1
Invalid Journal ID - Grong Alliance
#620 opened by Fondre01 - 0
Addon not working on Grong Alliance
#619 opened by Fgrassano - 5
Conclave of the Chosen - Wrath timers are not accurate
#618 opened by lygiarwen - 0
bigwigs local bars disappear on changing zones
#617 opened by ssateneth - 0
BigWigs 137-4fcaad0 Mekkatorque timers
#616 opened by David-Hedman - 0
Rastakhan - Seal of Purification cast
#614 opened by theoriginalmre - 4
BigWigs causing frame stutter in Underrot with Priest
#613 opened by stigmatiic - 3
BigWigs v136.1 Loader.lua:307: script ran too long
#610 opened by Benedictum - 0
[Feature Request] Disable sound effects channel
#600 opened by mLgz0rn - 2
Bod cutscenes
#594 opened by xeropresence - 0
Battle of Dazar'alor; zhTW localization seems to have no work
#584 opened by BlueNightSky - 4
Emphasize (me only) not working in Dazar'alor
#583 opened by CiiLK - 1
Suggestion: Pull Timer Style
#572 opened by k0nker - 4
Add option to completely disable info box
#569 opened by guras3 - 0
Unable to change fonts for the infobox and proximity title
#568 opened by aden928 - 2
Mythrax annihilation list not showing up
#567 opened by Schlitz - 1
Keeps telling me to remove "BigWigs_SiegeOfZuldazar" but no idea how or where
#566 opened by yaddanadda - 3
mythrax oblivion sphere range
#565 opened by t017925 - 0
Move Gestate to general alert
#562 opened by MikeRixWolfe - 2
Heroic Mythrax: No proximity window during Xalzaix's Awakening
#561 opened by archerbandito - 1
HC 25 Dragon Soul
#560 opened by Trid3nt1 - 4
Uldir: Mother (Heroic) Wind Tunnel Timer Early and Showing Negative Numbers for Timer Bar
#558 opened by mjbergeron - 1
[Suggestion]: Add OverrideBar to the API
#552 opened by lygiarwen