- 0
Invalid journal ID
#1915 opened by nanjuekaien1 - 0
[Suggestion] VEM Voice Option
#1912 opened by Tompir - 2
Feature Request: Global configuration for auto marking
#1911 opened by brikr - 3
New timers
#1910 opened by JuneSSE - 2
The FrameStrata of nameplate abilities is too high in my opinion
#1909 opened by Huf12 - 1
Not an issue but am unable to join the discord or DM Funkeh on Twitter
#1907 opened by Ness-666 - 2
Nerub-Ar Palace Warning Messages
#1904 opened by 4lch4 - 2
#1900 opened by Vitoshka - 1
Nameplate icons
#1898 opened by joerithienpont - 2
can move bars
#1896 opened by Daugbjerg78 - 1
Feature Request: allow us to disable the "you have the LittleWigs_X addon disabled, timers will not be shown" message
#1895 opened by ANaPhOrAX - 1
Spell CD's on Nameplates
#1893 opened by blubby94 - 1
Extra data files/folders in cata version
#1889 opened by Cavus27 - 5
Show a tooltip when mousing over nameplate icons
#1886 opened by blecaplol - 1
Spell CD's On Nameplates (One CheckBox Disable)
#1885 opened by divmehz - 2
World Boss Timers - [Shurrai, Atrocity of the Undersea]
#1884 opened by Xpatro - 1
No way to disable forced Nameplates feature
#1879 opened by bloodgrom - 0
Nameplates for Dungeon bosses in addition to trash
#1878 opened by besnija - 1
Stop pushing updates until you allow to disable the nameplates feature
#1877 opened by plzfix - 1
Can't set font size to 8 for Bars due to new minimum sizes.
#1875 opened by p1xelHer0 - 6
"Plugins: Enforce some sane minimum font sizes"
#1871 opened by nukhub - 0
Queen Ansurek - Grasping Silk - Sound underyou doesn't play when standing in it
#1870 opened by calummitchell - 1
Bars STUCK ON screen, Fly-by over world boss....
#1862 opened by Xpatro - 5
Request: Add a function switch option of nameplate cooldown
#1861 opened by CrisReus - 3
Frame layering of nameplates cds
#1854 opened by tidehunter1 - 4
Timer on Nameplate icon
#1853 opened by blecaplol - 2
Feature Request: Allow nameplate icons to be glowed early
#1849 opened by WanderingFox - 1
Nerubrar Palace - Ulgrax the Devourer - Brutal Crush is a tank/healer mechanic but isn't flagged as such in the options
#1844 opened by calummitchell - 1
No voice file 444497.ogg for Nerub-ar Palace | The Bloodbound Horror | Invoke Terrors (Adds spawning)
#1836 opened by calummitchell - 8
Error when using Alt-F1 as keybind for an unrelated macro
#1826 opened by TheVonKanar - 0
Request: Add a "Custom Bar Name" option (change the displayed string for the text on the bar)
#1825 opened by LarssonMartin1998 - 1
Disable nameplate icons
#1823 opened by morgan35543 - 1
Latest version of Bigwigs bug report on Heroic
#1815 opened by Profoundsoup - 2
BigWigs is missing timers on "LFR" running 358-33f8d23, tell the devs!
#1813 opened by Nogamara - 9
BigWigs skipping cutscenes and dialogue (including first time ones) despite settings having all skips disabled
#1810 opened by ThirteenEra - 5
Can't set custom sound for Sikran Phase-Blades
#1804 opened by FH3095 - 1
Option for disabling nameplate CD's missing
#1800 opened by Sebastian1989101 - 0
Calling a protected function (IsItemInRange)
#1799 opened by stako - 1
Request: Option to turn off nameplate icons & nameplate text
#1797 opened by m-atlantis - 1
Nameplates off by default
#1784 opened by imoonkin - 0
Suggestion: Reposition the back button in the ability options window so I don't press close by mistake
#1783 opened by calummitchell - 1
Voice and Nameplates General off option
#1779 opened by G1ak1 - 0
Feature Request: Nameplates module globally disable option
#1777 opened by EKE00372 - 2
Feature Request: Nameplate Glow Size
#1773 opened by WanderingFox - 1
request : an option to turn off the new nameplate stuff
#1769 opened by nukhub - 5
Profile Not Correctly Copied via "Import" and "Copy From" Functions
#1768 opened by FlareStarrr - 3
Message: BigWigs: BigWigs is missing timers on "LFR" running 355-0298386, tell the devs!
#1766 opened by zipzip98 - 1
Feature Request: Option to disable all nameplate icons
#1764 opened by RichBj - 2
Nameplate Icons disable option
#1760 opened by Arkilyte - 1
The BigWigs_Dragonfilght addon missing
#1755 opened by Kirsty99