- 1
7.1.3 error upon entering random bg (strand of ancients)
#2 opened by ceylina - 4
Lua error during "Brawl: Warsong Scramble" event
#3 opened by RaphMad - 1
player count inacurate in rated battlegrounds
#5 opened by bullsei - 5
Announce timers into active chat channel
#6 opened by xeropresence - 0
Error, happens sometimes
#8 opened by bullsei - 1
Global Access
#10 opened by Azilroka - 1
Feature request: Disable Queue Bars
#11 opened by Rockz1152 - 1
Feature Request: Configurable bar clicks
#12 opened by cgreczkowski - 1
LUA Error
#13 opened by Gizmi - 1
Brawl: Arathi Blizzard Spamming chat
#14 opened by Dimmn - 5
Clickable flag carrier names on WSG and TP on BG info frame
#15 opened by xeropresence - 5
Eots score prediction in RBGs
#16 opened by xeropresence