- 1
lua error when no innerspace/team
#3 opened by mooreatv - 0
/reload on only 1 toon looses the mapping
#1 opened by mooreatv - 2
add dialog/ui for channel name and secret
#2 opened by mooreatv - 1
handle wrong password/channel squatting
#6 opened by mooreatv - 1
lua error on from scratch start for trial accounts
#7 opened by mooreatv - 3
Explore other communication channels
#4 opened by mooreatv - 5
events when logging in/out other toons - how to get our own BNet toon list
#5 opened by mooreatv - 2
cleanup/undo static dialog edit box changes
#9 opened by mooreatv - 1
(optionally) generate random ids
#8 opened by mooreatv - 1
move the ID generator and font to their own addon
#11 opened by mooreatv - 1
fix or at least warn about characters substring of another character in original team
#10 opened by ldemailly - 1
detect new slots (started as 3 box, now 8 boxing; or 5 boxing with 8 accounts)
#12 opened by mooreatv - 3
expose some addon preferences/config
#13 opened by mooreatv - 2
add a simple UI grid sync status
#14 opened by mooreatv - 1
set the EMA team in the same order as slots
#15 opened by mooreatv - 1
add a /dbox show to show current token
#16 opened by mooreatv - 1
auto show master token to copy/paste when detecting a new team
#17 opened by mooreatv - 1
clicking on cancel (3rd button) hides the UI
#18 opened by mooreatv - 0
do something about UPDATE_BINDINGS
#19 opened by mooreatv - 1
auto accept team invites
#20 opened by mooreatv - 2
ema related issues
#21 opened by mooreatv - 1
cross realm: maintain memory/list of last N masters to try on xrealm slaves
#23 opened by mooreatv - 1
create a "team" message to send positionally the whole team at once
#24 opened by mooreatv - 0
simple channel case broken by optimization in 1.4.1
#25 opened by mooreatv - 5
trace of exchange with 4 cross realms
#26 opened by mooreatv - 5
cross realm issues / debug sessions with darknight
#22 opened by mooreatv - 1
switch build system (to docker based, something modern like circleci)
#29 opened by mooreatv - 2
UI: when switching from first horde to first ally....
#27 opened by mooreatv - 1
add party/raid as a comm channel
#28 opened by mooreatv - 0
consider setting the autoinvite to the party leader
#31 opened by mooreatv - 1
add (optional/std) keybindings (for "show" and party invite/disband etc)
#32 opened by mooreatv - 1
look into data broker stuff
#33 opened by mooreatv - 0
warning about using other faction master shouldn't be a warning
#34 opened by mooreatv - 0
now that we have config, we need a push settings
#30 opened by mooreatv