Easy Roll Tracker

Easy Roll Tracker


Warning: A few versions have known bugs; upgrade to the latest patch version to fix them.

v2.2.1 had an obvious bug and was removed before uploading to CurseForge, but is available on GitHub if you want to see it for some reason.

Easy Roll Tracker

A lightweight addon to list /roll results in a raid, with many convenience features. Open the tracking window with /rt or /rolltrack.

Feedback, suggestions, and criticism are welcome! Open a new GitHub issue for the fastest response, but comments in other places will get to me eventually.


  • Can only handle one roll at a time
  • Cannot show order of duplicate rolls; I recommend making a rule to only count lowest roll in this case (or go back to chat logs and check)
  • Specs are fetched one-at-a-time, and subject to server limits (need to send inspect request and be in range)

Major features

  • Listing and sorting all /roll results in group
  • Tracking the number rolled out of
  • Announcing loot rolls to group as /rw
  • A variety of customizable options


These can be opened with any of the addon aliases: /rt, /rolltrack, or /erolltracker.

  • /rt: toggles main window
  • /rt help, h, ?: prints a list of available commands
  • /rt config, opt, options: opens the addon settings
  • /rt close: closes the current roll
  • /rt clear: clears the main window
  • /rt reset: reset all addon data

Minor features

  • Slash command (/rt) interface
  • Minimap button for quick access
  • Displaying spec and role indicators
  • Formatting names with class color
  • Highlighting out-of-bounds rolls
  • Drag-and-drop or shift-click items
  • Items can be dragged onto editbox
  • Parses valid plaintext to itemlinks
  • Option to only allow valid itemlinks
  • Tooltip preview of items
  • Option to automatically close rolls after a delay
  • Export logs of all items/rolls onscreen
  • Option to auto-export when history is cleared
  • Resizable window
  • Maximize by double-clicking titlebar / resize handle

Download the latest release from GitHub here.

A roadmap for future releases can be found here.

Screenshots (including historical versions) hosted on Imgur here.