Easy Roll Tracker

Easy Roll Tracker


Easy Roll Tracker

A lightweight addon to list /roll results in a raid, with many convenience features. Open the tracking window with /rt or /rolltrack.

Feedback, suggestions, and criticism are welcome! Open a new GitHub issue for the fastest response, but comments in other places will get to me eventually.


  • Can only handle one roll at a time
  • Cannot show order of duplicate rolls; I recommend making a rule to only count lowest roll in this case (or go back to chat logs and check)
  • Specs are fetched one-at-a-time, and subject to server limits (need to send inspect request and be in range)

Major features

  • Listing and sorting all /roll results in group
  • Tracking the number rolled out of
  • Announcing loot rolls to group as /rw
  • A variety of customizable options


These can be opened with any of the addon aliases: /rt, /rolltrack, or /erolltracker.

  • /rt: toggles main window
  • /rt help, h, ?: prints a list of available commands
  • /rt config, opt, options: opens the addon settings
  • /rt close: closes the current roll
  • /rt clear: clears the main window
  • /rt reset: reset all addon data

Minor features

  • Slash command (/rt) interface
  • Minimap button for quick access
  • Displaying spec and role indicators
  • Formatting names with class color
  • Highlighting out-of-bounds rolls
  • Drag-and-drop or shift-click items
  • Items can be dragged onto editbox
  • Parses valid plaintext to itemlinks
  • Option to only allow valid itemlinks
  • Tooltip preview of items
  • Option to automatically close rolls after a delay
  • Export logs of all items/rolls onscreen
  • Option to auto-export when history is cleared
  • Resizable window
  • Maximize by double-clicking titlebar / resize handle

The project can be found on CurseForge here.

Download the latest release from GitHub here.

A roadmap for future releases can be found here.

Screenshots (including historical versions) hosted on Imgur here.

Latest CurseForge screenshots are here.