Easy Roll Tracker

Easy Roll Tracker


Check licenses for all dependencies (libraries)

Ernest314 opened this issue ยท 4 comments

  • LibCallbackHandler (BSD 3-clause, added license notice)
  • LibStub (public domain)
  • LibDBIcon (GPLv2.0 - author contacted for permission)
  • LibDataBroker (no license, explicitly instructs to embed library)
  • LibWindow (public domain)
  • ChatThrottleLib (no license, but explicitly instructs to embed library)

Not Ace3, since we're switching away from that.


The message chain for LibDBIcon can be found here, but it's a private message and therefore only visible to myself. I'll post a saved copy of the message and response once it is received.


Still no response, but here is the text of the inquiry I sent:

Hi! I'm using your LibDBIcon in my own addon (https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/easy-roll-tracker). I was wondering if you'd be willing to grant permission for me to include your library as-is in my addon while keeping it under the Mozilla Public License, since LibDBIcon is licensed under GPLv2.0, which states that I must license my addon under the exact same license.

Thank you for your time!

cheers, Ernest G.


Changing milestones since we're not getting a response from the last author.


If the author of LibDBIcon doesn't care enough to respond to messages about licensing, then they probably also don't care enough to go after any incorrect license usage? Going to go ahead with this project without attempting to replace LibDBIcon, until the author contacts to say otherwise--this project definitely follows the license in good faith.