Adds anything's IDs to the ingame tooltips.
Please report any requests/bugs through an issue.
Mostly Up To Date
Always Up To Date
Hover over stuff
You can enable/disable displaying IDs with the command
-- The kinds of IDs you can apply to Tooltips
IDTip.kinds = {
spell = "SpellID",
itemspell = "ItemSpellID",
item = "ItemID",
unit = "NPC ID",
quest = "QuestID",
talent = "TalentID",
achievement = "AchievementID",
criteria = "CriteriaID",
ability = "AbilityID",
currency = "CurrencyID",
artifactpower = "ArtifactPowerID",
enchant = "EnchantID",
bonus = "BonusID",
gem = "GemID",
mount = "MountID",
companion = "CompanionID",
macro = "MacroID",
equipmentset = "EquipmentSetID",
visual = "VisualID",
source = "SourceID",
species = "SpeciesID",
icon = "IconID",
areapoi = "AreaPoiID",
vignette = "VignetteID",
ctrait = "TraitNodeID",
cgarrisontalent = "GarrisonTalentID",
ccovenantsanctumtree = "SanctumTalentTreeID",
cgarrisontalenttree = "GarrisonTalentTreeID",
mission = "MissionID",
guid = "GUID",
traitconfig = "TraitConfigID",
traitentry = "TraitEntryID",
traitdef = "TraitDefinitionID",
profspecnode = "ProfessionNodeID",
rootprofspecnode = "RootProfNodeID",
profspectreeid = "ProfessionTreeID",
expansion = "ExpansionID",
unittoken = "CasterToken"
-- Inverse of the kinds table, useful for going back and forth programmatically for whatever reason
IDTip.kinds_inverse = table_invert(IDTip.kinds)
-- Add raw text to a tooltip
-- @tooltip | Tooltip frame IE: GameTooltip
-- @line | string | number the text to apply to the tooltip
function IDTipLib:addGenericLine(tooltip, line)
-- Add a 'kinds' line to a tooltip
-- @tooltip | Tooltip frame IE: GameTooltip
-- @id | a single id (string | number) or an array of id's
-- @kind | an IDTip.kinds kind
function IDTipLib:addLine(tooltip, id, kind)
-- Programmatically get all IDTip IDs applied to a tooltip
function IDTipLib:GetAllIds()
-- Add an IDTip kinds line based on the text value of a kinds key
-- @tooltip | Tooltip frame IE: GameTooltip
-- @id | a single id (string | number) or an array of id's
-- @kind | an IDTip.kinds kind
function IDTipLib:addLineByKind(frame, id, kind)
-- Register the addon loaded event listener for a specific addon
-- @addon | string Addon name
-- @cb | function callback method to invoke when addon loaded
function IDTipLib:RegisterAddonLoad(addon, cb)
-- Log a message to the chat with IDTip 'branding'
-- @... | vararg parameters to add to the print statement
function IDTipLib:Log(...)
-- Check if a kind is enabled in the IDTIP_CONFIG
-- @kind | string or IDTip.Kinds value
function IDTipLib:kindEnabled(kind)