- 0
bug in bugsack
#51 opened by artazika - 3
Error when comparing gear.
#4 opened by nikkisaurus - 4
Talents without ID on the 10.0 PTR (46112)
#5 opened by yoshimo - 1
Error when buying Keystone stuff from beta vendor
#6 opened by ZINK-ZINK - 2
Profession vendor items not showing IDs
#7 opened by ItsJustMeChris - 7
Getting a C Stack Overflow error
#9 opened by spaceturttle - 5
New DF-beta build, new (minor?) errors
#11 opened by ZINK-ZINK - 1
Request: Start using version numbers for updates on Curse
#14 opened by ZINK-ZINK - 2
Suggestion: Show IDs of SpellFlyout and Flyout Buttons
#15 opened by kstange - 15
Addon Managers get really confused by your Fork
#16 opened by ZINK-ZINK - 1
TalentID are not displayed in the talent tree.
#19 opened by sv0k - 4
#21 opened by artazika - 1
Error when hovering within achievements and TSM addon enabled
#27 opened by Caerdon - 1
Astral Keys !keys command causes idTip Lua error
#28 opened by Ryan-Rogue - 1
Deprecated global.
#29 opened by Tga123 - 1
[Feature Request] SpellIDs to "Adventure Guide"
#30 opened by Tga123 - 2
Mouseovering nameplate debuff tooltip
#32 opened by lowpita - 1
11.00.28 broke id's on compare items
#31 opened by cp1pro - 2
[Feature Request] Options for id's
#33 opened by cp1pro - 0
ids for gossip
#22 opened by yoshimo - 12
Mouseover container items with NPC behind the container frame
#23 opened by Boneshockx - 1
Bug: TooltipDataHandler error
#25 opened by nancikennedy - 1
reputation reward tooltip without numbers
#26 opened by yoshimo - 4
Achievement Criteria IDs not shown for all criteria types
#36 opened by zarillion - 1
C stack overflow in achievements UI
#37 opened by kemayo - 1
minor bug
#34 opened by cp1pro - 1
Feature Request: Support for Krowi's Achievement Filter
#35 opened by Dathwada - 0
No id for Mythic dungeon item key
#38 opened by cp1pro - 3
WoWup Compatibility
#39 opened by QuanXong - 1
Garrison Talents missing
#40 opened by yoshimo - 0
NPC ID added multiple times
#41 opened by Saxayone - 0
idTip_CommunityFork/core/shared.lua:102: calling 'GetName' on bad self (Usage: local name = self:GetName())
#42 opened by Surarn - 0
10.1 Tooltip Errors
#44 opened by yoshimo - 1
Throws on Retail PTR 10.1.5
#45 opened by ljosberinn - 0
[Feature Request]Option to only show tooltip information when a modkey is pressed.
#48 opened by JoeyJFranklin - 0
Game Version
#49 opened by EyeSage - 2
bugsack errors
#50 opened by romper008 - 0
War Within Alpha Compat
#52 opened by ljosberinn - 0
Can't show NodeID entryID definitionID in talentframe
#53 opened by loofah0727 - 2
bug in bugsack
#54 opened by artazika