

Loot History

Loot History

Loot history is kept per character and per account. They will be logged automatically but you can add/edit them manually. You can even export it for an external usage.
LFM Spammer

LFM Spammer

Sometimes you have to pug to complete your group. This feature allows you to automatically flood selected channels with the set you want. You need to keep the window opened to spam. PS: you can add achievement using {ID}
Master Loot Manager

Master Loot Manager

The image is self-explanatory, but more options can be discovered upon usage or after reading the manual.
Raid Warnings

Raid Warnings

If you don't want to keep writting and changing your raid warnings, this feature is here to avoid that. Save as many warnings as you want and spam them using the Announce button or on the go using macros with the provided command.
Minimap Button & Menu

Minimap Button & Menu

All addon's features are accessible via the minimap button, or using the provided commands.
Main Spec Changes

Main Spec Changes

To keep track of your raid group main spec changes, you can use this feature that will keep your changes and announce them on the go, individually or the whole changes.
Loot Master Config

Loot Master Config

This configuration window is special made for the Master Loot window where you can tweak a bunch of available options.