- 0
Blocking keybinds
#11 opened by Dillonzer - 2
Please version for 3.3.5
#6 opened by Th3AnG3L - 1
Marksmanship Hunter Amirdrassil Tier Set Correction
#8 opened by AbelardTullus - 1
Classic Era character stats showing 0 for melee hit chance
#7 opened by yakucode - 0
Lua Error in Storyboard Controller
#9 opened by LenweSaralonde - 1
Narcissus/SettingsFrame.xml LUA Errors since last update
#10 opened by davidmatthew-dev - 1
Class set indicator error
#1 opened by Zekke - 2
Make releases available for use with WowUp
#2 opened by anaarkei - 11
Talet Tree Viewer scaling
#3 opened by n0cks - 3
Narcissus achievement panel cannot replace the official by default.
#4 opened by xanahopper - 1
ProjectAzilroka's Square Minimap Buttons breaks minimap button popup
#5 opened by branpg - 1
Narcissus mini-settings blocks Dragonriding Customization UI
#12 opened by Ketrel - 2
#14 opened by narion - 2
Quick swap tinker gems for multiple specs/roles ie tank/heal/dps
#15 opened by cruzanstx - 1
[TWW Beta] Lua errors
#16 opened by Wanny - 0
Remix Gems, Cogweels & Tinkers in the Narcisseus Menu
#17 opened by oth-study-alba - 1
Minimap button doesnt dropdown to show options
#19 opened by jacobrreed - 1
Please add Dragonflight spell visuals to photo mode
#20 opened by LakeQueen - 1
Lua error -
#23 opened by MechaZao - 1
Set Effect Theme not changing
#24 opened by Rinkashirukito - 2
2 minimap icons
#27 opened by Rinkashirukito - 3
Camera de-zooms one too much on menu close - DynamicCam Conflict ?
#25 opened by xynerorias - 2
Right-clicking on LDB button doesn't work anymore
#26 opened by Andf - 0
Other players' models in mount previews
#29 opened by Molkree - 3
Holding CTRL on Currencies opens Character UI?
#30 opened by Haembina